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2007-09-12 - 6:41 a.m.

(In sing-song style): It's Wednesday, It's Wednesday...thank God it's Wednesday. C'mon, join in! Everybody...

Usually people call this 'hump' day but I call it 'rump' day. Then again, you could hump a rump, I suppose. Nevermind. See? My mind is all over the place. I swear that this job is stealing my brain cells and making me stupider! Thankfully, I only have one more day and then I have 3 days to not think about this place! (work)

Not sure if I told you guys, but I got a new dress over the weekend. I bought it at ROSS for under $20. And, once again, I got a slew of compliments on it!! Woo-hoo! I am totally diggin' this whole "look sexy, yet professional at work" thing. Here's a photo in case you haven't seen it on my flickr page:

Sexy Pose

My goal is to get a new dress at least once a week or once a pay period at minimum. I'm gonna go back to ROSS but also try to hit a Marshall's, too. I am just over the moon about this new chapter in my life.... seems that this next birthday is gonna be a good one! (The year, that is!)

All for now.. more later...

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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