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2008-10-01 - 6:32 a.m.

I have good news for those of you who care.

(I had contemplated not sharing this information because I didn't want anyone to comment that it wasn't a big deal, etc. I mean, it's not as huge as, say, winning the lottery but for ME it's really cool.)

Yesterday, I randomly received an email that looked a little suspicious. It was addressed to me and came into my work email box, but something was just a little off. So, being the investigative person that I am I called the number listed at the bottom of the email for the contact person. I got a voicemail box and left a message.

Later in the afternoon, I received a call back. I explained to the woman that I was questioning if she sent the email to the right person. She said, "I got your information from A.W."

Immediately, I said, "Yep! You got the right girl. I know him very well."

As it turns out, back when I was in Professor Wood's college English class, I wrote an essay that he submitted on my behalf to someone/somewhere and now they want to


Not only that, but they want to include a mini-biography of me, a photo, a free copy of the book when it is printed, and...and... I even get $100 cold-hard cash (well, it'll likely be a check but you know what I mean) for this.

I was just over the moon yesterday! I mean, that's just really cool. The ironic part was that I didn't recall writing this particular essay. So the woman said she'd email me a the first few sentences of the essay. When I got home, I looked up all the essays that I had written for that class and found it quite easily. I printed it out and read it aloud to Ben. He was very impressed, too at the quality of writing of this essay and I had written it a few years ago!

So despite some other crummy things I'm dealing with today, I am going to focus my energy on this very happy & positive thing and hopefully the other crap will just dissipate into the dark abyss of my brain.

Anyone want autographs??? Just kidding!

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

Getting Back Into My Vortex | 2011-09-08

No, It's Not A Mirage | 2011-09-06

No More Mommy Exclusives on FB | 2010-07-06

My Personal Challenges | 2010-06-23

The Golden Rule Equals Epic Fail | 2010-04-06

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