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2003-07-17 - 9:18 a.m.

Thanks to all of my readers who voted in my poll! I appreciate it a lot!

Now, on to important business. Last night while I was playing Scrabble with my sister (which I'll describe for you next) Ben decided to do a workout. He got out my Tamilee Webb's "Tighter Assets: Weight Loss" workout DVD. When he was almost through the 30 minutes, he said, "I want you to put this in your diary tomorrow!" So, I'm honoring his request. I suppose he wants my readers to know how cool he is because he was working out to one of my DVDs. He also went jogging afterwards. What a cool guy, huh?

Ok, now on to the Scrabble Game...

Karyl has Scrabble on CD-rom so she made a copy for me. It has the capability for us to play together via the internet. So, 3000+ miles apart we can indulge ourselves in some entertainment. We also each own a Sprint cell phone and have "free" PCS-to-PCS minutes. We usually spend a good portion of the day during the week chatting with one another. We talk until her battery goes dead. (I keep trying to tell her to buy an extended battery like mine....heh heh) Anyway, so we get on the cell phones and start the game. It's much more interactive that way. It's almost as though she and I are in the same room playing at the dining room table or such.

Well, last night her battery started to die. And since I can't call her on the landline because we were using the internet to play the game, we were resolved to use the chat session at the bottom of the Scrabble game screen.

It was my turn and she's typing something along the lines of, "GO! It's your turn" She was picking on me cuz I was taking a very long time. Finally I type back, "I'm stuck here. I have E I O J U." Then a moment later I said, "Actually I have two U's." So she types, "e i e i o"

Then, "Old MacDonald had a farm"

I typed, "LOL"

Karyl: "e i e i o"

Me: "And on his farm he had...."

Karyl: "a Ben"

[must interject so this is even funnier. During the phone call prior to her battery going dead and while Ben was doing his workout, he was burping very loudly. Karyl could hear it through my mouthpiece on my headset even though Ben was a few feet away from me! She couldn't believe that he could burp so much! She asked me to ask him why he burps when he exercises and he said that it's because it forces all the air out of his belly.]

Back to the story......

Me: "I was just thinking that!!"

Karyl:"With a belch belch here"

Me: "LOL"

Karyl:"and a fart fart there"


Karyl:"here a fart, there belch"

At this point, I am ROLLING. Literally laughing so damned hard that my sides began to hurt and tears started rolling down my cheeks. I was in stitches. I was slapping the desk and just cracking up.

Karyl:"everywhere a belch and a fart"

(I'm still laughing hysterically and tears are still streaming down my face.)

Karyl:"Old MacDonald had a farm, e i e i o"

I had to type to Karyl (once I finally got a grip!) that I needed to go wash my face because my mascara had become so smeared that it was stinging my eyes!

Damn, my sister is so freakin' funny! She just can't help it sometimes. I haven't had a good belly laugh like that since that day at Azteca restaurant when I was visiting her in Washington!!!

And, YES... I AM going to eat that cookie!!!

Thought Of The Day:"Humor is a rubber sword - it allows you to make a point without drawing blood."--Mary Hirsch

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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No, It's Not A Mirage | 2011-09-06

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