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2001-06-30 - 7:36 a.m.

I absolutely looooooove waking up in a good mood! I actually woke up before the alarm clock. That's rare for me, even more rare on a Saturday morning.

Yesterday was quite an eventful day.

First, we drove into Lexington to see a movie. We decided to go see "Pearl Harbor". We get to the theater and realize that neither of us have cash. We ask the attendant if they take credit cards. They don't. They need to get with the times! ;-)

So, we hightail it across the street to the gas station and get some money from the ATM. Back to the theater. Because the showing of the movie was the first of the day and it was a weekday, the movie was only $3.75 per person. WOO-HOO!

We end up to be the only ones in the theater. It was nice. It was as if we were enjoying our own private screening. Very nice. If you haven't seen "Pearl Harbor", I highly recommend that you do. Even though it's a 3hr. movie, it doesn't seem like it's that long. The acting was superb as well as the directing. Great, great movie!!! And, leave it to Cuba Gooding, Jr. to be the one to drag a tear outta me! (He did the same thing when I watched "Men Of Honor".)

When the movie was over, I had to pee like there was no tomorrow. I had held it through the entire movie because I didn't want to miss one second of the movie. Ben, on the other hand, left the theater 3 or 4 times. Small bladder, I guess! ha ha :-)

So, I walk into the bathroom (which I had used this very same bathroom before we sat down for the movie and it was immaculately clean) I walk in and I am overwhelmed by the smell of cigarette smoke. I peek down the row of stalls on my left and right and notice that only one stall door in the very back was closed. It reeked. Not wanting to have to inhale the carcinogens, I left. I waited for Ben in the foyer. I watched two women go in and one woman leave. As she walked by me, it was clearly obvious that SHE was the guilty party for she stunk of cigarette smoke. I was appalled. She wasn't a teenager or a college student trying to get a "high" from not getting caught smoking in the bathroom, she was a GROWN woman who appeared to be in her 40's or 50's. I was in disbelief, but at the same time I was angry for her inconsiderate behavior.

As I stood there waiting for Ben to exit his bathroom, I contemplated telling a manager. I decided against it because they probably wouldn't do anything about it. When Ben came out, I quickly told him what had happened and that I still had to pee. So, I simply notified the concession stand employees that they might want to have someone go into the Ladies Room and spray it with air freshener because someone was in there smoking.

I used to smoke. I quit almost 5 years ago. (August 10th will mark my 5th year smoke-free!!!) However, when I did smoke I was NEVER that inconsiderate. I wouldn't think of ever smoking in a prohibited area. In fact, when I first started smoking in highschool at around age 16, I didn't even smoke at school in the bathroom. I thought that was rude. I smoked in designated areas and in my own house and in my own car. Otherwise, I didn't smoke. Period.

The best thing I ever did for myself was to quit smoking. And, ironically I'll tell you that quitting smoking is a hell of a lot easier than losing weight! Why you ask? Because in order to quit smoking, you just don't pick up that cigarette ever again. It's a little tough the first 6 months to not give in to cravings or emotional crisis, but you just keep telling yourself that you've worked this hard and you're not turning back. (that's how I did it anyway!)

With losing weight, it's a daily battle. (at least for me) I have to think about what I put in my mouth, I have to make sure I drink tons of water daily, and I have to keep myself motivated to workout/exercise. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining because the payoff is so worth it. Buying smaller sized clothes and having lots of energy and not being out of breath during daily activities is sooooooo worth losing weight.

I had an ephiphany yesterday while in the GAP dressing room: MY THIGHS ARE SHRINKING! WOO-HOO!!!

hee hee

Yeah, GAP had a sale...jeans from $1.99 to $12.99. But the $1.99 jeans were a rack full of size ZERO......... YEAH, right! In my dreams!!!!!!!!!

Thought Of The Day:"Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win."--Jonathan Kozol

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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