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2008-01-10 - 7:11 a.m.

and the drama continues....

So last night G.N. had her tv blaring again. This woman has NO regard for rules, regulations, our bylaws--nothing! In addition she obviously has no respect for her neigbors.

To expand upon that, Ben was doing some calculus homework last night between 10 and 10:30pm when he heard what turned out to be booming bass. He looked outside to see a car parked near her Suburban with its windows down and the radio blaring. There were several people just "hanging out" around the car (i assume her peeps or better yet, her thugs). I suppose they thought it'd be fun to have a Driveway Party.

I sent ANOTHER email to a guy at Centex who has promised to help us (we'll see about that) as well as to the guy who runs the property management company who is supposed to be assisting our HOA. I requested a follow-up as well.

I'm going to take Art's advice and do some poking around and research about how I can take this matter to HUD, etc.

Wish me luck!

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

2008-01-09 - 3:49 p.m.

If any of you are wondering why I haven't written a "real" entry in a while is because a) I've been really busy especially at work and b) I've been going through a lot emotionally dealing with my ghetto neighbor.

I don't recall what I have or have not discussed here at diaryland, but suffice it to say that I am being so affected by this situation that last night I had a really bad dream about it.

My neighbor (I'll call her G for ghetto since I don't know her name) has been a pain in the arse for going on 10 months now. I'll just highlight some of the things she has done/hasn't done:

--tv loud late at night and heard through our bedroom wall (her living room is on the opposite side)

--kept a dog in her garage for most of the summer (remember I live in SOUTH FLORIDA; you know how hot it gets here in the middle of July!)

--said dog was allowed to defecate and urinate all over the garage floor. her method of removal? to wash it down the driveway with a hose.

--said dog also happened to be a pit bull which is yet ANOTHER violation of our bylaws for the association.

--after numerous requests directly to her from Ben (anyone who knows him knows how polite he can be even when he's pissed!) to turn down her tv was advised to call the police to have documentation.

--during Christmas vacation we finally called the police for a noise complaint to which Ben heard her respond (through the wall): "They didn't have to call the cops! Just wait until tomorrow." Six hours later, Ben went outside and she had vandalized our car with a candy bar. Now we are forced to park in our tiny garage which is very inconvenient to us.

--have witnessed several different sketchy people hanging around her unit especially at night or early in the morning when we're trying to go to the clubhouse gym. we are beginning to be quite concerned if you know what i mean.

--found out that she is Section 8. while i have nothing against people who use gov't programs in the manner in which they are intended, i take serious issue when they are absused such as in her case. she has SEVERAL different people living there; people coming and going. don't know exactly how many children she has. she's never fully dressed; she's always in pajamas with bed-head hair. i don't see her working.

--the owners of the unit (she is renting it apparently) are in EQUADOR! they supposedly have a local person who is a real estate broker? and was left in charge of managing the property.

These are just the highlights that come to mind. Let me not go into how nasty she is and how she has trash piled up on garbage day so high and so much that it always spills over into my driveway. And don't even let me tell you about how many times she or one of her "peeps" has blocked our car in and Ben had to bang on her door to move it so we can go to work.

This is the b.s. that we've been dealing with for nearly 10 months. I've taken pictures, I've written emails, I've made phone calls and I'm not getting anywhere fast. Ben has 13 signatures so far on a petition to put CMC Property Management on notice and hold them accountable for not doing a better job at going after the owners (and the renter) with violations and fines. He wrote up a document including (verbatim) the 7 bylaws that she has broken. And the neighbors are sick of her, too.

Oh, let me not forget to include the second vehicle that she has left to rot in our "unofficial" vistor's parking area for FOUR AND A HALF MONTHS! Oh, did I tell you that her tags expired in October of '07?!?!?

I could go on and on.. but I won't. I almost didn't write this entry because I hate it when I sound like I'm whining but at the same time, I wanted you guys to know what's going on with me and why I haven't written in so long.

Happy Effin New Year to me!

On a side note... a happy one to boot... today marks the anniversary of the first time Ben and I went out on a date! (14 years ago!)

Please you guys, please pray that she eventually gets kicked our or maybe her lease does not get renewed! I would prefer to enjoy living in my beautiful, first home!

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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No, It's Not A Mirage | 2011-09-06

No More Mommy Exclusives on FB | 2010-07-06

My Personal Challenges | 2010-06-23

The Golden Rule Equals Epic Fail | 2010-04-06

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