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2000-05-01 - 07:30:00am the merry, merry month of May!

April showers bring May flowers, right?!? Well, I've seen enough rain to water the forest, but I don't see any flowers yet. Actually, I'm quite tired of seeing the rain. It was so gloomy & grey yesterday that the motivation factor to do anything was -10. Finally, I came up with the brilliant idea to make homemade pizza.

We (Ben and I) even made the dough for the crust. It was the best pizza I've ever had. Papa John's doesn't have anything on us!!! heh heh ;-) Both of us working on the pizza together allowed me to forget all about the crummy weather for awhile. Thank goodness.

On a different subject, my kitty is growin' up! :o) He killed his first bird in the wee hours of the morning. Ben was a bit taken aback at the notion that our sweet kitty could be so cruel as to kill a teeny, helpless bird. I had to remind him that although Trip is very domesticated, that it's only instictive for him to kill birds. He doesn't understand (the cat) that birds are beautiful creatures that provide us with the gift of song. I reassured Ben that it was perfectly normal for Trip to kill the bird, but definitely not to eat it. (eeww, gross!)

I hope everyone had a fun and/or productive weekend! I wish you a day filled with positive energy!!! Until next time... peace, love & health.

Thought Of The Day: "People who do not get along with others are interested only in themselves; they will disagree with what everyone else knows is right." --Proverbs 18:1

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