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2001-01-10 - 07:19am

Newborns can be so adorable!

Our friends, Bill & Patty have returned to Charlotte recently. Bill and Ben work together. Bill is an engineer, Ben is a technician. Bill and Patty were here October and November, but at the time Patty was pregnant.

Obviously, she's not any longer. They have a beautiful daughter named Jaqueline. She's so little. I got to hold her, feed her and change her diaper yesterday. All those instictive mothering skills just kicked right in. In fact at one point in the afternoon, Jaqueline fell asleep right on my lap while I was holding her. She was making all kinds of cute noises and such. I had to pee ever so badly but dared not get up because I was enjoying her being on my lap. Even though she's a month old and small, she's solid. Meaning, most newborns just feel like jello in your arms, but she's got consistency to her. And HAIR!!!

This girl has more hair on her little one month old head than I think I did at 2 years of age! Ben continuously oooohed and ahhhhed over everything she did and even held her at one point. He looks at me and says, "I want one!" I remind him that we have a few years yet. I would like to have a house and be settled in one place before I think about having a baby. I don't think our lifestyle at this point is conducive to having a child.

Of course, then Patty tells us the real truth about labor and epidurals and episiotomies. (did i spell that correctly?) Anyhow after hearing what she went through, it made me re-think this whole having-a-baby thing. I said to Ben, "Can't we just take your sperm and my egg and swirl it around in a tube and watch it grow?" He jokingly suggested, "There's always adoption!" Not a bad idea! :-)

Don't get me wrong... yes, someday I would like to have a baby but I am TERRIFIED.... SCARED TO DEATH to go through the horrors of labor and birthing the child. I am not keen on pain. It astounds me that so many teenagers get pregnant and give birth like no body's business. Sickening almost isn't it?!?

In the meantime, I'll just be content to hold and cuddle other people's babies. :-)

Thought Of The Day:"Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed." --Michael Pritchard

Thought Of The Day #2:"Courage is not the absense of fear, but rather the judgement of something more important than fear." --Ambrose Redmoon

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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