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2003-03-10 - 2:37 p.m.

WOW! I can't believe that it's been a week since my last update.

I was going to spend this entry ranting and raving about how frustrated and angry I got today trying to refill my Birth Control Pills. It's a long, boring story to anyone else except for me so I'll be kind and spare you the details.

Instead, I decided to read all my buddies on my BuddyList at Diaryland and my pal, Jennah had a link on her diary for an Elvish Translator . You enter in your first and last name and VOILA! you have your name in Elvish. You can also visit the Hobbit Translator. So here are my COOL results:

My Name In Elvish: Tari Seregon

Hubby's Name In Elvish: Maeglin Seregon

My Given First Name & Maiden Name In Elvish: Inwe Telemnar

And I just LOVE my Hobbit name most of all: TigerLily Brockhouse of Loamsdown

Hubby's Hobbit name is: Todo Brockhouse of Loamsdown

I'm not in such a foul mood after finding out what my Elvish and Hobbit names are! You should give it a go!

Have a great day you guys!

Thought Of The Day:"A great frustration in life is discovering that sometimes those who say something can't be done, turn out to be right."--Donald Simanek

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

Getting Back Into My Vortex | 2011-09-08

No, It's Not A Mirage | 2011-09-06

No More Mommy Exclusives on FB | 2010-07-06

My Personal Challenges | 2010-06-23

The Golden Rule Equals Epic Fail | 2010-04-06

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