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2001-09-10 - 7:25 a.m.

Initially, I was going to write this entry all about this incredibly stupid informercial that I saw on oxygen network this morning. That is, until I opened my email and found a note from my dad. It included two photos; one I was expecting because I had asked him to scan it for me, the second I was not expecting. At all.

For those of you who are like me and grew up in the 80's and 90's are quite familiar with the fashion faux pas of the decade. And, I hate to admit, I was one of their biggest victims.

Aqua Net and I had a permanent friendship. So much so, that my dad threatened to buy it for me in 55 gallon drums. My hair went through hell in the late 80's, early 90's. A can of Ultra Super Hold Aqua Net would only last THREE days! And that would be the 15 oz. can with 20% more free! (Which meant I'd use 20 oz. of hairspray in only 3 days!) Makes me sick to think of it now. :-)

My hair was so laquered that you could have almost bounced a brick off my coiff and it wouldn't move. Chicago winds had nothin' on my solid 'do. ;-)

But besides being cemented into place, it was L-A-R-G-E! Or, shall I say BIG. Yes, loyal readers, I had big hair. Very, very big hair.

Need proof?

Here ya go...

You want to know the worse part? As you can tell by the dress that I'm wearing, I'm on my way to a highschool dance. The Jr. Prom to be exact.


My [future]kids are gonna laugh at me, I just know it!

Hey, you can stop giggling by the way!

Yes, you. Stop it. Quit laughing. It's not that funny.

Ok. It is.

Thought Of The Day:Art produces ugly things which frequently become beautiful with time. Fashion on the other hand, produces beautiful things which always become ugly with time.

--Jean Cocteau (1889 - 1963) French poet, novelist, director

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

ps- this picture was taken May 1991

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