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2001-08-14 - 7:01 a.m.

I want to apologize to my loyal readers for not updating sooner.

Having said that, here goes...

Last Tuesday, Marilu Henner launched her new book, Healthy Kids. Click here for more info. I am a huge fan of Marilu Henner. Her first book, Total Health Makeover inspired me over 4 years ago to adopt healthier eating habits and to live a healthier lifestyle.

There I was, being a couch potato justa channel surfin' when I saw a talk show and I recognized the actress from the 70's sitcom, "Taxi". I thought to myself, "Gee, she actually looks better now than she did 20 years ago!" I left the remote on that channel and watched eagerly. She was vibrant, energetic, and full of enthusiasm. It almost seemed as though she had drank a heavy dose of caffeine. As I sat and watched, she explained that she avoids caffeine and had eliminated it from her diet all together. (She is also meat & dairy free.) This amazed me because she had so damned much energy. (The Energizer Bunny would be jealous!) That evening, I drove to Barnes & Nobles and bought her book. I read it cover to cover and back again. Now it has been highlighted and notes are written in the margins. There are even side tabs I added for quick & easy reference. It definitely shows tell-tale signs of any well-read book.

This most recent book of hers details how to raise children in a healthy environment. (Meaning food, etc.) I was going to buy it too, but thought that I'd wait until later when I am closer to having children. Instead, I bought the book that follows Total Health Makeover; The 30 Day Total Health Makeover has an overview of the previous book but also offers more indepth menus for each of the 30 days. It includes a lot more recipes as well.

It is a fabulous book.

As a result of becoming passionate again about my health and my life, I've decided to make 2 major changes:

1) I'm going to eliminate dairy from my diet. I don't drink cow's milk anymore and haven't since I read the first book, but I still eat ice-cream and cheese on occasion. (I use soy milk on cereal and in recipes) Fortunately, over the weekend I found a scrumptious chocolate soy ice-cream. I think it actually tastes better and more chocolaty than regular icecream. I've also been able to find soy cheese substiutes that work excellently in recipes. Over the weekend, I made lasagna with the substitutes and no one could tell the difference. (I made it for Ben's family)

2) I'm going to try eliminating meat from my diet. As it is, I don't eat pork and only eat beef in the form of steak at Outback or Longhorn on occasion. (Occasion meaning once, maybe twice a month) I had eaten a lot of chicken. But recently, chicken has been tasting funny to me and I'm not enjoying it. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with eating chicken or turkey, (especially Boar's Head lunch meats..yum!) but I just can't stomach it anymore.

I'm not of the mind-set of some strict vegetarians. I am not giving up meat because of cruelty reasons. I'm giving up meat (going to try) because it tastes funny to me now that I eat healthy. I don't disapprove of eating meat, though pork and beef should be limited.

So, I'll let you know how it's going. I'm not sure that I'm going to be able (or want to) stop eating Boar's Head lunch turkey meat. But, at least if I choose to eat that on occasion I feel good that Boar's Head brand doesn't add fillers or chemicals to their meats. If you do eat meat, try Boar's Head. It costs more, but that's because their meats are real and there isn't any artificial ingredients. NONE.

**Disclaimer: ...A lengthy entry occurs when I don't write for a week! And, I tend to make a lot of typos. Sorry folks! However, thanks for bearing with me! :-)

I hope this entry will inspire at least one person to make a major change in regards to his/her health. Even if that means simply cutting out sodas or perhaps not eating pork or even increasing his/her intake of fresh veggies/fruit. Good luck and Happy Eating!

Thought Of The Day: "The beginning is always today."--Mary Wollstonecraft

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!! ps- i did edit this entry FIVE freaking times as it is!!!

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