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2002-07-16 - 6:12 p.m.

Ok, moooooooove over Sarah, Dutchess of York cuz I'm the next Weight Watchers Spokeswoman!

At least, I ought to be!

Yesterday, a good friend of mine (a guy who I won't mention only in case he doesn't want to be mentioned here) asked me to help him lose weight. He said he needed it for a promotion with his job. Then this morning, another close guy friend of mine asked me to help HIM with losing weight. I told them both all about Weight Watchers and the POINTS system.

I'm living proof that it works! I've lost 25 pounds so far. If I can do this, then so can anyone else. It's a wonderful program and you can eat ANYTHING you want. It's just a matter of knowing how many points that particular food or foods is worth! Then, based on your weight, that determines how many POINTS you're allowed per day.

I'm at the low end. It was a bummer in a way because once you're less than 150, your points don't change. However, let's say for example that you start at 190, your point allowance is much higher. Only when you lose weight and get down to the next level will your points decrease. My points have been the same from the beginning! I suppose that's good so it's easier to keep track of.

It also has become a game for me; how few points can I eat for the most volume of food? Steamed veggies (most of them anyway) are all "FREE" so I can bulk up on broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, etc. I can snack on celery and cucumbers and tomatoes if I like. It's amazing when you compare foods by their point value and realize that 1/2 C. of cooked oatmeal will be more filling and have less points than a serving of cereal with "milk" on it. (I put milk in quotes because I use soy and not dairy milk.)

For ANYONE that is looking for the "Magic Solution" to losing weight, this is THEEEEEEE way to go. I didn't just lose 25 pounds by sitting on my butt not doing anything! Being accountable for everything that I put in my mouth has taught me a lot about portion sizes and portion control. And I'm a much littler person for it! :-) :-) :-)

I like being "less" of a person!!! hahahaha!!!

Thought Of The Day:". . . we need to feel the cheer and inspiration of meeting each other, we need to gain the courage and fresh life that comes from the mingling of congenial souls, of those working for the same ends."--Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin (1842 - 1924)

Thought Of The Day #2:"Find your inspiration and hone in on it."--Susan Longacre (1894 - 1962) US sociologist, educator

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

ps- thanks to those of you who ACTUALLY read this thing. i thought no one really paid attention, but it turns out that at LEAST one of you do! **wink, wink** ----you know who you are!

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