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2000-08-17 - 07:59am

Ever notice that when you're passionate about something you can talk on and on and on and on about it and not realize you've spent that much time talking?!? Well, that's the case with me and health/nutrition/fitness. (as if you loyal readers didn't already know that about me)

In my case, I can "type" on and on about it as well. I hope that my enthusiasm for the subject doesn't bore you guys to death. What?!? Was that a YAWN that I just saw creep slowly out of your mouth! Sheesh. Ok, I'll shut up now.

Yes, my sister can sleep thru anything. I can verify herstory.

She is so angelic when she sleeps. Whenever I've walked into her room and watched her in slumber, it's as if I'm standing there watching my own child. I don't know why, but it's one of those warm, fuzzy, Hallmark feelings. :-) Me, on the other hand... if I sense someone is even in the doorway of my bedroom, I am instantly awake. I have keen senses for those kinds of things.

Well this hasn't been the most thrilling of entries, but hey, at least it's new & fresh! And besides, I really should get going on running my errands for the morning!

Thought Of The Day: "You have to remember, there are some things in life more important than fabulous thighs."--Wynonna Judd

Until next time... peace, love & Health!!!

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