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2004-08-17 - 4:34 p.m.

....and the saga continues

Why is it that when you try to avoid a complicated situation you end up with exactly that: A Complicated Situation.

I'll be kind to my loyal readers by giving you the short version. (Ok, so any version coming from my mouth IS short... LOL )

We ordered our Dell on 9Aug04. We specifically told the sales rep that no matter what happens, we ABSOLUTELY had to have a way to use our PCS Connection Card with the new desktop. This card is the method by which I am able to access the internet.

We explain this to him in great detail. He puts us on hold to talk to someone with more experience because he has never heard of one of these Connection Cards. When he returns to the phone he says that we'll have to buy a Card Reader that will intall into the tower. We are okay with this.

We place our order and wait for shipment. Yesterday afternoon, the computer and peripherals were delivered. I was as giddy as a small child on Christmas morning! We unpack it and set it up. The last piece of equipment we unbox is the card reader. First, it's not even the same color as the rest of the computer. This is Red Flag #1. Then we notice there are no written instructions on how to install this apparatus. Red Flag #2. When Ben finally goes to install it, the card reader does NOT fit into the tower as it should have fit. Red Flag #3. Last and finally the damned thing did not work!

So far I cannot utilize my PCS Connection Card with my brand-spankin'-new-kick-ass-Dell computer. Grrr!!!

(Ben is an electronics whiz; he DID hook the laptop to the new monitor so that I can feel as though I'm using the new computer. In reality, it's just a viewer for the laptop where the PCS Connection card is located and operating properly.)

[Did I say this was going to be a short story? Sorry, folks. It's gonna be a medium story---take your boots off and get comfy.]

To make matters worse when I tried to call Dell looking for a solution, it seemed as though NO ONE spoke enough English to understand what the hell I was talking about. (Naturally.) I ended up spending 5 hours off and on talking to various technical support representatives at Dell and getting no where.

Finally, after having eaten only a bowl of cereal for dinner, at 11:30pm I decided to give up for the day. I dragged my sorry butt off to bed and collapsed.

Today, Ben thinks he may have found a piece of hardware from another company that may allow the card to work properly with the desktop. It will be delivered tomorrow. *cross your fingers*

Wish me luck. I just want to play with my new toy.

Thought Of The Day: "You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience." --Stanislaw J. Lec (1909 - 1966)

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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