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2002-03-19 - 4:53 p.m.

I am so sad and frustrated, I just wanna cry.

Is this not the most sad looking set of graphics ever? After waiting well over 6 weeks to get graphics that weren't delivered and then hiring someone else, THIS is what I get. (the story is more heartwrenching than that but i don't have the energy to tell it all here)

If only I knew html.

I think I'm going to have to BEG my little sister for help. She used to do my graphics for me when she was in college, but now that she's "all grown up" and lives a "real" life (heh heh) she really doesn't have time. Maybe I can suck up to her shoe fetish? Or perhaps dangle makeup her way? Something!!! I'm about to pull every strand of my hair out here, people!!

In other news, I wanna give a "Shout Out" to some special and fellow Diarylanders...

Marn for always writing something funny in her diary and making me laugh so hard I nearly pee my pants.

Lara for mentioning me in her diary and also enjoying the box of chocolate I recently sent to her. (Hey, American chocolate is different than Australian least that's what she keeps telling me!) hee,hee

And last, but not least Harrison for sending me emails to check up on me and also for having a diary that just makes me laugh and brightens up my day.

Thanks, guys!

Now, please go away... I don't want anyone laughing at my graphics!

Thought Of The Day: "He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love."--Saint Basil (330 - 379) Greek religious leader Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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