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2001-02-20 - 07:05am


Today is my "little" sister's 22nd birthday. Hard to believe that she's about to graduate from college in a couple of months! Where does the time go?

I was at the mall this weekend looking to buy her gift and came across some very appropriate 80's paraphenlia. I found a tee-shirt imprinted with an iron-on of Rainbow Brite and her Sprites. It was difficult to explain what a Sprite was to my husband. Poor guy! :-) Also saw shirts emblazened with the logos from such TV shows as The Care Bears, JEM, The Smurfs and even The Thundercats!

Ahhhhh...those were the days. The Glory Glory Days of the 80's! ;-)

What really spooks me is thinking how when WE were growing up, most parents listened to "The Oldies"---referring to music of the 50's and 60's. Can you imagine when our generation has children and 80's & 90's is referred to as "The Oldies" to our children?!?

That's a scary thought!

* * * * * * * * * *

Last night, Ben and I went to Tae-bo together. It was a great workout but I'm really getting sick of the whiny-assed brats that moan and groan through most of the class. Most of them are little highschool girls. They don't even break a sweat. They walk in wearing very little and showing very much. The only reason they're at the gym in the first place is to pick up guys. When we're in class and Robert, the instructor gets to joking around and loses count, we might be in a particular "position" for an extra minute or two. Anyhow, they can't take a little pain and whine really loudly, "Robbbbbbbb-errrt!" As if to say to Robert that he needs to lead us to the next move. Arrrrgggghhhh!!! It makes me so mad. If they can't handle it, get the hell out of the class. I'm there to sweat and work my muscles, not to listen to a bunch of bratty teenagers try to control the moves in my class!

* * * * * * * * *

To my loyal readers: I apologize for my weekend hiatus, but I'll be back all week to fill you with funny stories and amazing/thought provoking quotes. Promise!!! {Didja miss me?!?}

* * * * * * * * * *

One final order of business. I'm quite disappointed that more of you did not take the opportunity to sign my guestbook and analyzer page even after I practically begged you to do so. Kudos to Alicia, again for keeping up on that and on emailing me. Also, thank you to Jenny (aka: Ravenglitter) for also signing my guestbook. I'm BEGGING here people to sign if you have not as of yet!!!

Thought of the Day: "We would like to live as we once lived, but history will not permit it."--John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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