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2001-02-16 - 05:50am

Unmotivated is the mood of the moment because it's so bloody early! Ben had to go to work and early at that. So, I'm trying to muster up some energy to keep my eyeballs open.

Of course, I'm expecting my mood to change rapidly after I do my workout. I wish there were a Tae-bo class available on Fridays.

I was going to go to the Thursday evening class, but Ben got home at the last minute and made a good point. He said that since he may have to work this entire weekend, that he'd rather spend the evening together relaxing at home instead of rushing off to the gym.

I'm wondering if I made a good choice by skipping the tae-bo class. See, I'm one of those people that once I get into a good habit (such as exercising) I get panicky when I skip a day. I'm afraid that one day will turn to two and two days will lapse to a week and before I know it, I'll quit all together. I don't want to do that.

So I had to wrestle with myself over the decision. Finally I rationalized that as long as I do Gilad's Fat Burning video, then I'm ok. I may even convince myself to do Cindy Crawford's The Next Challenge. That particular video concentrates on using free weights. I definitely want to get back to toning and sculpting. As a matter of fact, I have Gilad's video "Sculpt and Tone". It's an excellent tape. I like that you can accelerate at your own pace simply by changing the weight of the dumbells that you use. When I first did this video a year and a half ago, I used 3 lb. weights. Now, I can use 5 lb. weights. If I owned 8 lb. weights, I could use them on some of the exercises.

Ben and I have been doing well keeping our food journal. We've been managing to stick to our daily caloric and fat gram maximums. Only one day out of the week were were way over. And this was not due to eating any kind of candy, cake or other junk food. It's amazing how even "good" food can add up quickly without your realization!

I am anticipating that if I continue this healthy pattern of life, that by April/May I should be a little smaller than I am now! I'm so excited! I can't wait!

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For further health/fitness info, check out my homepage by clicking on "About Me" on the left side of this page.

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Ok, ya'll.... I'm beggin' here. I'd like for those of you who haven't signed my guestbook and my analyzer page (and you know who you are) :-) to puuuuullllllllllease sign it. It's been a month since I had any fresh "faces" on there! Though, BIG KUDOS to Alicia for dropping as many lines as she has. Thanks, Hun!

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Thought Of The Day: "It's ok if you mess up. You should give yourself a break."--Billy Joel

Thought Of The Day #2: "I was always looking outside myself for strenght and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time."--Anna Freud, child psychoanalyst

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

ps- it is now 8:45am and I just finished both videos that I mentioned earlier in this entry! I feel GRRREEAAAT! So, mentally, change the i-mood of the day from unmotivated to accomplished!!! :-)

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