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2001-02-21 - 07:23am

First, I have to take this time to thank Melissa. I was not motivated to go to the gym last night for my Tae-bo class, but she gave me the motivation. When I got done, I felt so much better. Sweaty & sore, but better!

Nita teaches the Tuesday night class. I like her class a little better than Robert's class. (She and Robert are married) The reason her class is a little better to me is that she doesn't concern herself with making the moves match the tempo of the music. She's more concerned with concentrating on each move so that you feel them deep into the muscles. Don't get me wrong, I get a workout no matter which class I take, but I feel stronger when I get done with Nita's class.

* * * * * * * * *

Just like Marn, I am keeping track of various "wars". She's battling the Virulent Virus O' Death. And when she's not dueling that, she's busy sparring with the Great Grey Squirrel War of 2001. The war I'm involved with is between us (me & Ben) and him (Trip). He was terror last night. I got very little sleep. He was meowing and meowing and meowing. Finally we put him out on his runner line. Next thing I know, I'm awakened from a dead sleep to ear-piercing howling. Apparently another cat had ventured onto his "turf" and he didn't like it. So, we bring him into the house. Into a safe haven. Was he grateful? Hell, no!

He acted like a spoiled rich kid outta Beverly Hills. He was messing with the shades, meowing, tagging our toes... generally trying to keep us awake. Grrrrrrr!!! Retaliation is being plotted as we speak for tonight. I'll keep you up-to-date.

* * * * * * * * * *

Back to the Marn subject. Oddly enough I had a dream about her. Maybe I should take a break from reading her diary page. I mean, I've never met the woman and now I'm dreaming of her?!? Weird. So anyway, the dream opens with me and Ben taking a road trip. Next thing I know I mention to him, "Did you know we're in Canada?" He's stunned. "No, I didn't." We knock on the door and Marn welcomes us in. She takes us to her bedroom. There, on her bed she has her laptop. She explains that she was just updating her diary page. I say to her, "Show him Mortimer. You must show him Mortimer." She gets out Mortimer and shows Ben. He doesn't get it.

Afterwards, she invites us to eat dinner with her and her husband. As we're sitting at their kitchen table, her husband; "The Spousal Unit" as she so lovingly calls him, walks into the room. He's clad only in a white ribbed tank top shirt and striped boxers with black knee socks. He's also smoking a cigarette. I'm alarmed because I didn't think that Marn's husband would smoke. Then Marn sashays into the room with a cigarette in her hand as well. She prepares the meal. Meanwhile, Ben and I are throwing knowing looks at one another as if to say "We need to find an excuse to leave". As we sit there, Marn's husband diliberately blows a huge cloud of smoke into my face. I am just appalled. Ben makes a flimsy excuse as to why we need to leave and we stand up and head toward the door. Marn says, "You can't leave without some food and drink." and begins to pack some things in Ziploc bags for us to take with us in the car.

That's the end of the dream. I was abruptly awakened by Trip dangling from the top of the curtain next to the bedroom window and meowing.


* * * * * * * * * *

I think today is going to be a great day, in spite of my lack of sleep last night. The weather is going to be warm and I'm going to enjoy that! Besides, I don't have to do any exercise of any kind other than that involving my fingertips or my mouth!!! :-)

Thought Of The Day:"Anyone can escape into sleep, we are all geniuses when we dream, the butcher's the poet's equal there."--E. M. Cioran, The Tempation to Exist

Thought Of The Day #2:"We all dream; we do not understand our dreams, yet we act as if nothing strange goes on in our sleep minds, strange at least by comparison with the logical, purposeful doings of our minds when we are awake."--Erich Fromm, The Forgotten Language

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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