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2000-05-22 - 16:00:00

Well, you're right, Ree....the diaryland clock is all screwed up. It's four hours ahead of the time that it should be. Of course, I always fix it. I couldn't just leave it with the wrong time. You know me (and for those of you that don't...) I'm a neat-freak and an organizer. God-forbid if something is outta place! :-) If it is, then I'm outta whack! By the way, is that really a word? Whack? Hmm... any of you guys that are intelligent enough to own a dictionary, I'd love to hear what the actual definition of that word is. :-)

Here's another word for ya: LOVE. It's definition can be more accurately defined by 1 Corinthians 13. ( i forget which verses exactly, my Bible is in my RV and I'm not at the moment.) Anyway, for those of you not familiar with this bible verse, it tells how Love is patient, kind, understanding, not judgemental, etc, etc. Love is definitely what I feel for many people, but today, I'm referring to my little sister, Karyl.

Sometimes, the more you love someone, the more easily it is for you to become angry or frustrated with that person. Karyl is a good example of that! ;-) I say this because I see her sometimes not making the best choices in her life and because I don't want her to feel any pain, I try to "warn" her about these bad choices. She doesn't always listen. (that's the way it is with sisters! hee hee) Anyway, some of the mistakes that I have already made, I don't want her to have to experience. Just like a parent who doesn't want his children to make the same mistakes they made and suffer the same consequences, I feel that way towards my sister. Of course, this tends to deepen my love for her.

The most frustrated I get with her is when she puts herself down or tries to seriously compare herself to me. We are similar, but still two different people. She doesn't believe that she is a beautiful and wonderful person at her core. With a few small adjustments here and there, she has the potential to be even greater!

Unfortunately, no matter how many times I tell her all of her great assets and attributes, until she TRULY believes it for herself, I'm at a loss. I used to be the same way. That's why I get so angry sometimes.... I don't want her to have to figure all this out years from now and go through pain and suffering like I did. I just want her to fast-forward and begin to enjoy life..... like I do now.

Don't compare yourself to anyone; each of us have a purpose here on Earth. We may not know why yet, but we do have that purpose. Ree, you are special. You are unique. You are sweet, witty and smart... You are LOVED by me!!!

I love you Little Sis!!!

Thought Of The Day: "There's no vocabulary For love within a family, love that's lived in But not looked at, love within the light of which All else is seen, the love within which All other love finds speech. This love is silent." -T. S. Eliot, The Elder Statesman, 1958

Until next time... peace, love & Health!

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