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2001-08-23 - 7:14 a.m.

Oh, Glorious Day!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOOOOOVE waking up in the morning and feeling refreshed, renewed, revitalized. It's an awesome feeling.

I've been sleeping very well these last two weeks. I attribute it to three things; 1) I've been jogging regularly and cardiovascular exercise is just so darned good for the body.

2) I've been eating very well these last 2 weeks, too. It really makes a difference. A lot of people know about my passion for health & nutrition. Some of those people give me a hard time about the choices in the foods that I eat or don't eat. They say, "Oh, well it's not gonna kill ya!" But, I tell you this sincerely, eating a diet of a lot of fresh, raw fruits and raw & steamed veggies, drinking a lot of water, cutting out meat almost completely (i still LOVE Boar's Head Turkey for sandwhiches) and eliminating dairy has made a tremendous difference in how I look & feel. My skin is almost glowing! My eyes sparkle and my hair radiates. Ok, maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but I do look better and I most certainly FEEL better. I have more energy than I have in months.

3) I have to back up a moment and rewind. About 4 years ago or was it 3? Anyway, 3 or 4 years ago I went to the doctor because I was sleeping wayyyy too much. I was going to bed at 8pm and having to literally drag myself out of bed in the morning at 8am. I was accustomed to getting between 6 and 7 hours of sleep at night and feeling fine when the alarm would go off. This stopped happening. I thought I was just "depressed". Not so. The doctor ran several blood tests and discovered that I'm borderline hypothyroid. He prescribed Synthroid and I began to take this little, teeny pill daily. Finally, a year passed. My prescription ran out and Ben was no longer in the Navy. Fastforward till now. I didn't want to go back to the doctor, have my blood drawn and then be told, "Oh, there's nothing wrong with your levels. You're fine!" (I had this happen to me just 2 years ago) So, I began to search for a natural alternative.

Lo and behold, I was in the health food store and saw a pamphlet about Thyroid Problems. I read the entire thing. At the end of the article it mentioned a product called Michael's Thyroid Factors. I rushed right out and bought it. It helps regulate the chemicals that are involved with your thyroid but using herbs and so forth. I was estatic. I've been taking the pills (3 per day) for 2 weeks now and can feel a noticable difference. I love it!

The Michael's brand carries all kinds of naturopathic remedies. Click here for more info. I highly recommend them to anyone who would rather take something natural then synthetic to cure an "ailment".

I encourage you to browse the sight. They offer such remedies as "Sleep Factors", "Menopause Factors", "Energy Factors", "Heart Factors"...the list goes on and on. You can typically find these products in most health food or natural food stores.

I'm so glad to feel soooo good!!!

Thought Of The Day:"Joy is but the sign that creative emotion is fulfilling its purpose."--Charles Du Bos

Thought Of The Day #2:"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead."--Anon.

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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