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2000-04-29 - 08:06:15am

Ok, I don't have kids, so the closest thing that I do have is a cat. So, I'm gonna tell you a "cat story". As many of you know, having a kitty means having a litter box. We've had our kitty for 4 months. He adopted us when we were in Dothan, Alabama. At that time, he would go outside, play hard all day and then come inside and use his litterbox. He would then go right back out for more playing. Well, fast forward to yesterday. The RV park that Ben and I are staying in is not paved, but rather all gravel. There are many holes in the "road" due to the gravel being spread about by the busses, 5th wheels and pull-behinds. Yesterday afternoon, the maintenance men were filling in these holes all over the park with more gravel.

As Ben and I were leaving to go to dinner, I noticed my cat, (his name is Trip) in traditional "kitty-going-potty" position over top of the large gravel pit. Next, I see him in traditional fashion, "covering up" his spot. I began to laugh hysterically.... Trip thought the gravel pit was a large outdoor litter box. I only wish I had had a video camera to catch it all on tape. :-)

So, that's my cat. He is a cutie, though! Until he meows at 3 o'clock in the morning to go outside!

Have a great weekend you guys!

Thought of the day: "When people show you who they are, believe them." --Maya Angelou

Until next time... peace, love & happiness!

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