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2001-08-02 - 6:51 a.m.

First mention of the day: MTV turned 20 years old yesterday. Where on earth does the time go? I can remember the very first video I ever saw on MTV. My Mom didn't have cable, so I was across the street at my friend Lynn's house. She did have cable. The first video I saw was Duran Duran's "Reflex."

The next video I recall seeing was at Scott's house. He lived 2 doors down from me. Motley Crue's "Girls, Girls, Girls" was on. I thought I was witnessing porn! (Although at the time I didn't even know what porn was)...I'm saying that as I look back at how shocked I was to see scantily clad, big breasted women dancing across the screen. Of course, Scotty (as he was called back then) thought it was great. What 12 year old boy wouldn't?!?

I didn't grow up with MTV in my house, but I am part of the MTV generation. But MY MTV didn't suck! :-) Back in the "old" days, MTV used to really and truly be music television. *sigh* How I miss those days!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Now to tell you why I am feeling inspired today.

Tuesday night, Ben and I were at Super Wal-Mart buying a few grocery items. As we rolled the cart into the checkout line, I noticed a book whose cover caught my eye. Montel Williams was on the front cover. He was posed with a very strong, healthy looking female. I picked up the book. The title: "BodyChange". I decided to read a few pages while waiting for our groceries to be rung up.

I became engrossed in the pages of the book. I turned it over and discovered that they were only asking $11 for it. I decided then and there to purchase it.

I finished it last night. It's phenomenal. The philosophy throughout the book is awe-inspiring. Basically, it's a 21-day program to get motivated to really put a lot of effort into a workout. It's geared towards beginners, but has intermediate and advanced workouts as well. And doesn't require a whole lot of equipment. The exercises in the photographs look like they really work the muscles discussed.

I am really excited to try this program. I've been needing a re-vamp in my exercise regime. This is the answer I've been looking for! Ben is going to do the program with me. It's very gender neutral; the difference for men & women is simply the amount of weight you lift using the dumbells.

I'm excited to chart this new journey in my quest for ultimate health!!!

Thought Of The Day: "The journey is the reward."--Chinese proverb

Thought Of The Day #2: "Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome."--Arthur Ashe, tennis champion

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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