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2000-11-02 - 08:27am

Ok... since I've been working, every now and then Ben decides to help me out to make things easier. For instance, I asked him if he'd go to Super Wal-Mart and get some groceries for me since I wasn't getting off work until 6pm. He said "Sure, no problem." I wrote out a detailed list for him. I am not sure why, but there is just something incredibly sexy about a man going grocery shopping.

Ok, maybe it's just the fact of BEN going grocery shopping for ME that I think is sexy and cute and sweet. Call me weird, but that's just how I am.

So, anyway, he managed to get everything on the list and some bonus things.... just like the last time he decided to go grocery shopping (that time he took it upon himself, I didn't have a list prepared for him). So, now for instance we have two full jars of salsa in our fridge. Hey, he means well. He also bought some decaf flavoured coffee for me and made me a cup after dinner. Which, by the way, he made dinner for me too. Ok, so it wasn't gourmet, but it was good. We had Mexican pizzas last night. YUM!!!

He even organized the food pantry for me because I mentioned that I was going to have to do it soon to make room for everything in there. Don't I have the world's GREATEST husband? I think so!!!

After 6 years of wedded bliss, I have come to the conclusion that we really are made for each other. We make a great team; we complement one another. My weaknesses are cancelled out by his strenghts and vice versa. So, I suppose that means we'll have


Hee, hee! Hope ya'll have a terrific day!

Thought Of The Day: "Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone." --Gladys Bronwyn Stern, English writer

Thought Of The Day #2: "Feeling grateful to or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life." --Christiane Northrup, M.D. and author

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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