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2003-01-30 - 5:17 p.m.

I'm just curious, but does anyone read this page anymore? I hope I didn't lose what few readers I did have by my 2 month hiatus.

Anyway, for anyone out there in cyberworld that is reading.....

It has been quite some time since my last "real" update. I may be a bit rusty at this and my next few entries might lack pizazz, but I promise that they won't be like that permanently.

Let's see, what have I been up to in the last two months. Well, went fishing in the gulf off of Key West. I had my 28th birthday. Went to Vero Beach for Christmas. (My grandparents live there as well as an aunt & her family. My dad, stepmom and brother met us in Florida; they live in Virginia.) Had a rough New Year's Day... and it wasn't due to any hangover. In fact, New Years was spent sober and we went to bed very early because we had to travel from Vero Beach back to Key West. While in Key West, since there are no malls, no Target and not a decent natural foods store we drove many a Friday to Miami and back in one day. (It's a 3hr drive one way.) Right before we left Key West I had 4 dental appointments in one week to fill at least 9 cavities. Most were between the teeth. Had a dental cleaning, too. All I can say is THANK GOD for anesthesia (sp?) and nitrous oxide (sp?)!!!! Man, that really helped me to relax. We left Key West on the 21st of this month and are back in Huntsville, AL.

THANK GOD for Super Target. Cuz it was colder than a well-digger's ass when we arrived. Temps in the single digits. Like 4 whole degrees. Nevermind the so-called "wind chill factor". Shit it was cold! We couldn't set up the RV the first night we pulled in because it was late and dark. As a result, we couldn't use our propane heater and had to rely on the 2 small ceramic heaters that run off of electric. It was 4 degrees outside when we went to bed. When we woke up, it was 34 inside the RV!!!!!!!! It's pathetic when you're standing in your "living room" talking and can see white puffs of cold air coming from your own mouth. Yeah. It was ASS-COLD!

Fortunately later that day we set up, turned on the propane heater and put plastic over the windows. It has made quite a difference. I'm still cold, but that's me. In fact, as I sit here typing this, I have one of those small ceramic heaters pointed directly on my backside and I'm wearing my jacket. Brrrr!!!

I'm not sure if I wrote an entry about Karyl coming to visit, but we had a FANTASTIC time! She has a hella-cool digital camera that I want. She took some great pics with it. In fact, she took the picture that I used for this year's Christmas cards. Here's a picture similiar to what it looked like:

Isn't that a well composed shot?!?

Then Ben took a pic of the two of us. You'd never know we were sisters, eh?

Keep in mind that I'm 4 years older than she is! Notice that she's like 4 INCHES taller?!! She and my 14yr old brother now call me their "Big Little Sister" because they're both taller than I am.


Well, that's the news for now! I'll keep ya posted!

Thought Of The Day: "Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like thohse meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air." --Georges Bernanos

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

P.S.- this month marks a few anniversaries:

---Ben and I have been together 9 yrs. (anniversary of first date)

---Ben and I have been vegetarians for 1 year.

---I've been doing the Weight Watchers' Points System on my own for 1 year and have lost 25 lbs. so far!

Getting Back Into My Vortex | 2011-09-08

No, It's Not A Mirage | 2011-09-06

No More Mommy Exclusives on FB | 2010-07-06

My Personal Challenges | 2010-06-23

The Golden Rule Equals Epic Fail | 2010-04-06

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