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2000-12-03 - 3:15pm

I am now officially THE BEST WIFE ever! hee hee

Ben and I were out earlier going to Talley's (health food store) for soy milk and non-dairy cheese when we decided to have pizza this afternoon for a late lunch. He also wanted to get home in time to watch kick-off for the Pathers/Rams game.

We get here at exactly 1 pm; kick-off time. Well, he couldn't find the game on our DirecTv stations, so he disconnected the DirecTv system and hooked up to the local cable channels here in the RV park.

He was a little frustrated, but finally he got it to work. Meanwhile, I started to make the pizza. While making the dough, I came up with the PERFECT plan!

I thought to myself, "Hmmm... he's watching a football game, we're gonna eat pizza, we should eat some wings too."

Ya know ya can't watch a football game, eat pizza and NOT have wings! {Kurt's eyes are all a-glow} So, I got the pizza made and in the oven and told Ben I had to run out for a few minutes.

Fortunately the Hooter's is only 1.5 miles down the road. {Kurt is now drooling on his monitor} So, I hop in the Saturn, go to Hooter's and order a 10-piece Naked wings made Hot. YUM!

I get back, the pizza is done and Ben is sooooo happy that I brought him the wings. He said, "You are the best wife in the whole world! That was so special of you to go and get these wings!"

TOUCHDOWN MICHELE! Score: Michele - 7, Ben - 0

(hee hee, just teasing) But seriously, this Panthers/ Ram game is sad. Pathetic. The score in the 4th quarter as I write this is Panthers: 10, Rams: 3. But the turnovers have been unbelievable!

So, it's a well-spent Sunday afternoon. We're watching football, ate pizza, and devoured the wings. YUMMMMM!!! **Note to Kurt: Next time we go to Hooter's with you, we are gonna order the Naked Wings. They are delicious. And, Kurt, don't forget they have a buffet here!!!!!**

PS- Ree, hope Tennessee wins! Last I checked the score, they were leading 9 - 6 over Philadelphia.

Have a great Sunday afternoon you guys!

Thought Of The Day:"Our lives are not in the lap of the gods, but in the lap of our cooks."--Lin Yutang, The Importance of Living, 1937

Until next time... peace, love, HEALTH & Hooters! :-)

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