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2003-02-04 - 3:17 p.m.

Do ya guys like when I post pics in my diary page?

Well, feast your eyes on this:

Cute, eh? Anyone have a good caption for the above picture? I might give away a prize!

Wanna see something even cuter??

Now, how about a caption for that one?!?

Karyl--- you get a prize no matter what cuz I know how damn good you are with captions on photographs. You are Queen Caption. :-)

Thought Of The Day: "How we spend our days is of course, how we spend our lives." --Annie Dilliard

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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No, It's Not A Mirage | 2011-09-06

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The Golden Rule Equals Epic Fail | 2010-04-06

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