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2000-07-26 - 08:40am

I haven't written in two days due to "illness". Monday afternoon I began to have really sharp, shooting pains in my stomach. They were intermittant at first, then became increasingly more frequent. By the time Ben got home from work, they were constant. I couldn't sit in any position because the pain was so intense. I could barely walk. So, we drove to the ER.

While there, I had my temp and blood pressure taken. (Normal) Then they gave me an ultrasound. They suspected that my problem was with my gallbladder. Nope! Then a little while later, I had to have a cat scan. (Not fun--the prep for that is awful and I'll just leave it at that!) Then they were trying to determine if it was my appendix. Nope! Finally, they said they think I had a virus or infection in my intestine or my GI tract but they didn't pinpoint exactly what was wrong with me after 6 hours in the emergency room! Gotta love them doctors!

I'm not looking forward to seeing that bill! Eeeeks! I can say that my meds were EXPENSIVE! Well, one of the two of them were at least. The one medicine that I have to take daily for the next 30 days cost $112!!!! HOLY GEEZE BATMAN! The other medicine was only $7. Whew!

I'm feeling much better, but my tummy is still a little odd. I'm sure I'll be fine soon.

I can't wait until tonight; I GET TO SEE MY FAMILY!!!! YAY!!! So, everyone have an excellent weekend! Take care of yourselves.

Thought Of The Day: ""Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." --Joshua J. Marine

Until next time...peace, love & Health!!!

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