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2008-07-10 - 7:18 a.m.

Still no word on the hard drive. I guess no news can be good news, right? Let's hope so. You would not believe the amount of stuff I had on this thing that helps make my job streamlined. And everytime I think about something and go to get into it on the computer, I'm quickly slapped in the face with the reality that it's just not there.

The I.T. guy told me yesterday that he was going to take it to the forensics department at the police station to see if they can help him recover my information. Everyone PLEASE cross your fingers that they are successful.

And believe me, I have learned a VERY valuable lesson. I will from now on back up my work computer just like I do with my home computer. My boss even said that he's going to try to get me a 4G flash drive for that very purpose. This will be a good thing since I have private information on my computer that only my boss and I are privvy to seeing. Besides, I pointed out to him that if I have the flash drive with me and happen not to be at work, he can call me to access it and send him any info he needs at the time.

I finally did get access to REGIS-- our budget program. The I.T. guy was able to get a link and make a shortcut for me. I would never have found it on my own because the FAA kind of "hids" it from public use even within the agency. So I spent the better part of the afternoon entering the LPR sheets (basically paperwork that documents purchases made by the technicians on their government credit card) into the program. {REGIS is basically like the FAA's checkbook if you will.}

I had about 50 or so to enter. Then I found out from our AO (Administrative Officer; she's one grade/step above me) that the LPRs that I entered last week under our UIS money was not billed against a project! Uh-oh! There were 30 of those alone! Well, thankfully because they were already in the system I was able to look them up by the transaction number and just edit the information by pulling down the drop-down menu and choosing the right project. Whew!!

I even was able to get into PRISM which is the program that I use to create Purchase Requests (PRs). I had to type one up for my boss regarding the contract we just entered into with Siemens for one of our facilities.

So in a nutshell, that was my day. Nothing too exciting... hopefully today will be the same---UNLESS my hard drive information is recovered.

Then I'll party like it's 1999!!!

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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