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2002-01-11 - 11:15 a.m.

Well, hello there!

Long time no write, eh?

It's been a hellacious start to 2002 already. Makes me think that it can only go up from here! (I'm trying to keep a positive it working yet?)

I read a diary entry yesterday that was pretty good. This girl gave a basic recap of her entire year in the form of an outline. I'd love to do that, but I don't know that I could remember much. I'd probably have to reference my diary entries for help!

2001 certainly wasn't a terrible year for me. Hmm... let me think a moment. What was the worst thing that happened to me in 2001?

Oh. I can think of 2 things off the top of my head. One I can mention here, the other, I cannot. And I can't tell you why either, my dear reader. Sorry. I would have to say the worst thing in 2001 was having a major "fight" with my little sister. I don't like it when we have conflict---it makes me sad. She's my ONLY sister and I want to always have the best possible relationship I can with her. I love her very much and always want us to be close.

Now for the best thing that happened in 2001: I worked out 190 out of 365 days. Hey, that's more than half!! And, considering the amount of travelling that we do, I think that's pretty damned good! SO there! Neener, neener, neener!!!

As far as resolutions, I haven't sat down and put them on paper (though, I should) and I haven't put a whole lot of thought into it either. I have decided on a few things I'd like to accomplish.

1) I'd like to workout at least 65%- 75% of this year. (More days than last year)

2) I'd like to make more time for daily reading. A lot of times I do read before I go to sleep, but I would like to schedule at least 30 minutes to an hour each day during the day to read. I want to read both novels and non-fiction.

3) I'd like to make a habit of drinking at least one cup of green tea daily. I've heard that white tea is even better (health-wise) and I'm going to order some and try it.

4) I'd like to REALLY commit myself to giving up dairy completely! I've given it up 97%, but I make the exception here and there. Although, I wonder if I'd ever be able to give up cheesecake. I don't eat it but once or twice a year, but wonder if I could cut that out entirely?!?

5) I'm wanting to get my body slimmed down enough to fit into a size 6/7 by summer.

I think those are pretty good resolutions. Fortunately, I think I can manage most of those. I already work out, I already eat really well & drink lots of water, and I already don't eat a lot of dairy. We'll see how I do. I'll try to update my progress on diaryland for ya'll. For all three of my readers. **wink, wink**

I wish for all of you a very blessed and prosperous 2002!!!

Thought of The Day:"Good resolutions are like babies crying in church. They should be carried out immediately."--

Charles M. Sheldon

Thought of the Day #2:"Hasty resolutions are of the nature of vows, and to be equally avoided."--

William Penn (1644 - 1718) English colonizer

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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