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2002-01-13 - 8:54 a.m.

First, I must start this entry by saying that my husband is THE Sexiest Man Alive. Why can't People magazine ever put him on their cover?!?

Not only is my hubby sexy, but he's so completely sweet! Sweet & thoughtful.

Lemme explain...

On Friday, we decided to rent a couple of DVDs for the weekend. One of our rentals was "Briget Jones's Diary". We saw it in the theater (and I read the book) and just laughed until we cried. Ben wanted to watch it again. Unfortunately, we ran out of time Friday night. Yesterday, we ran a few errands in town.

One stop was at Target. While browsing the DVD & CD section, Ben suddenly walks past me with something behind his back. I say to him, "Do you want me to come with you?" He shakes his head no. I think this is strange. He calls back to me, "I found something I want to buy for you." Immediately, even though I don't know what he's going to buy, just the though melts my heart. I begin to browse in the picture frame section. He says, "I'll be right back. I'm going to use the bathroom and then pay for this," still with both hands behind his back. I reply, "Ok. I'll be here looking at the frames."

We went to a few more stores and then out to dinner. When we came back home, he helped me make Chocolate Mousse. (anyone want this recipe, it's acutally so decadent, you'd never know that it's a vegetarian recipe!!!) While we're having fun making a chocolate mess, he says how excited he is to watch "Bridget Jones". He had mentioned that when we picked up the movie at Blockbuster, so I didn't think anything about it.

We get the mousse made and put into the fridge to set. (It has to chill at least an hour before it's ready to eat, but it's actually better when it has sat overnight.) I get out our remote controls and we both settle down into our recliners. I remembered that we had left "Bridget Jones" in the player on Friday night because we were going to watch it but it got to be too late. So, I hit play on the remote.

The screen goes black.

Then, in bold, white letters this blazes across the screen---












I immediately know what we're about to watch. My eyes well with tears. I walk over to him, hug him tightly and thank him over and over and over.

And let me tell you, it KICKED ASS! I wish I had been able to go to the concert. Although, the beginning of the concert, the costumes her dancers are wearing are slightly out there. I couldn't quite figure out artistically what Madonna was trying to express, but it still was incredible to watch.

If you are a true Madonna fan, you will really enjoy the "Drowned World Tour 2001" video. It's stellar! And, much to my surprise, several times Madonna rocks out on the guitar! She recently started playing and sounded awesome! GOOOOOOO MADONNA!!!

I hugged and kissed Ben several times when it was over. What a terrific, kind, and thoughtful hubby I have!

I'm an extremely lucky girl!

Thought of The Day:". . . love from one being to another can only be that two solitudes come nearer, recognize and protect and comfort each other."--Han Suyin, Chinese writer, physician

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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