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2001-07-11 - 7:01 a.m.

You know what just really gets my goat?!? Lazy people. I don't mean lazy as in sit-on-the-porch-on-a-hot-summer-day-sipping-lemonade kind of lazy; that lazy is good. I don't mean lazy as in laying poolside soaking up rays of sun. No, I don't mind that kind of lazy either. And, I certainly don't mind lazy as in the-weather-is-really-crappy-outside-so-I'm-going-to-curl-up-with-a-good-book kind of lazy. That is the best kind of lazy.

The kind of lazy that I really despise is the kind where a person tries to find the easy way out of something when in reality the normal way would have taken just as much time.

Let me elaborate, shall I?!?

So, there I am at Super Wal-Mart yesterday. It's a gorgeous day. Not a cloud in the sky and a slightly oppressive 89 degrees. But still, nice. (And very welcome after all the rain we've had here in Kentucky as of late.)

I pull into my parking spot and as I climb out of the car, I notice to my left an older gentleman pushing his cart to his mini-van. He unloads 2 bags and then proceeds to leave the cart next to his vehicle between his minivan and the pickup truck next to him. I am appalled. I cannot believe he would be so careless. That cart could do some damage to someone's paint job if the wind got ahold of it and gave it a whirl.

I dismiss it quickly and walk inside. The greeter says hello and apologizes that they don't have any carts inside the store. She feebly says that one of the cart retreivers has gone to lunch and the other guy is out trying to gather carts. I'm a little miffed because I'm thinking that as huge of a store as Super Wal-Mart is, they should NOT be out of carts. And especially they shouuld not be out of carts on such a gorgeous day. If it were raining cats and dogs and giraffes (that's for you, Momma!) then, perhaps I'd have a little more sympathy. As it was, I had very little. Fortunately at that moment, the one cart retriever came up with a stack of 10 carts. I pick one and go about my shopping.

After I had paid for my items and was heading back out the door, I decided that I could manange the 3 bags I had and leave my cart at the entrance for someone else to use since they STILL did not have an abundance of carts available for their customers.

I walk to the car. As I open my door and put the bags on the passenger's seat next to me, I notice a woman at her van. She's across from me and one space over. She painstakingly takes her time and effort to place her empty cart just so in front of her van. She parks it parallel to the grill of her van and infront of the car parked directly across from her vehicle. I'm shocked and angry. I'm thinking, "Hey, Lady! The cart corrall is only 2 spaces down, don't be so lazy!" Ironically, she doesn't realize because she's ignorant that the amount of time she took to place that cart ever so carefully in front of the van is the same amount of time it would have taken to walk over and put the cart into the cart corrall. SHEESH!!! Talk about lazy.

Of course, for those of you who know me and/or have been faithful readers here, you know my "Good Deed" that I perform every time I go to Super Wal-Mart; I not only put my cart back into the cart corrall, but I push all the carts into the corrall so they all line up perfectly. I do it so that it makes it easier for the Cart Guys to pull them out and take them to the cart bay in the front of the store. I don't expect everyone to go to those lengths, but I do think that it's very lazy to not return the cart to the corrall. If you were to actually time yourself walking to the cart corrall, putting the cart inside and then walking back to your car you will have only expended a total amount of time equallying ONE MINUTE! That's not a lot of time in the big scheme of things.

To shed some humour on the situation, today I leave you with this humouros photo that was sent to me by my wonderful mom!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thought of the Day:"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do something I can do."--Helen Keller

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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No, It's Not A Mirage | 2011-09-06

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My Personal Challenges | 2010-06-23

The Golden Rule Equals Epic Fail | 2010-04-06

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