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2000-09-12 - 07:20am

This world is more cosmic than you think! I say that because the oddest thing happened today...and it's only 7:20 in the morning!

First, my beloved cat was an absolute BUTTHEAD last night and I got very little sleep. So, finally after struggling with him for hours, I put him outside at 4am. I was wide awake at this time so I thought, "What the hell...I'll call Rosemarie." (It's 9am in England when it's 4am here) So, anyway, I call but get the answering machine.

Trip is safely outside, so I decide to try to get some shut-eye. At 5am, the phone rings. I hear Rosemarie's all too familiar voice on the other end and in her usual sarcastic way she says, "GET UP!" I explain that actually I am up.

So, anyway, we have this wonderful converstation about all different subjects. One was about how some people use life preservers or those damned orange "swimmies" on their kids when they go to the beach or pool. I very much disagree with this concept because I think it gives children a false sense of security. It's important to learn water safety and to also RESPECT the water.

The cosmic occurance was this: I was telling Rosemarie how my dad used to take me and Karyl to the JCC for swimming lessons when she was 2 and I was 6. Both of us became Red Cross Certified swimmers. Karyl wrote about that EXACT same thing in her diary !!!

WOAH! Isn't that kinda weird, but in a good way? I think so. It proves once more that she and I are definitely related! :-) It also proves that there are things in this world that are somewhat paranormal and/or phenomenal in the true sense of that word.

I think it's neat. And, yes... Karyl IS like a fish in water. Always has been, always will be! I think it's all Momma's fault. Besides that Karyl is born under the sign of Pisces, when Momma was pregnant with Karyl, the family went to Busch Gardens amusement park in Virginia. Anyhow, Momma decided to ride the Water Flume ride though the sign clearly stated that pregnant women and those with back problems should avoid this ride. Hmmmph! That's where I think it all started with Karyl's love of water.

By the way, why do they say "pregnant women". Isn't that a redundant statement? Just a thought.

Thought Of The Day:"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious." --Albert Einstein

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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