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2001-02-13 - 06:45am

Although Trip was an angel again last night, I'm feeling drained because I was up at 4am this morning. Ben had to be to work at 5am, so I got up with him; made coffee, his breakfast and packed his lunch. We went to bed after watching Ally McBeal so after only 6hrs of sleep, I felt tired.

I decided to go back to bed until 6am. Now, I feel more tired than I did at 4am. I had a feeling that might happen. Oh, well. I'm sure I'll find my energy soon. If not, I know I'll get it back at Tae-Bo. :-)

It was a good class last night. Robert is such a great instructor. If all aerobic type instructors were like he is, all gyms would have people lining up outside the doors just to get into the classes! He's that good!

Speaking of good... I'm feeling so good about all this exercising I'm doing. I'm feeling good about what I'm eating and I'm even feeling good about the way that I'm looking!!!

Yesterday I had a really good hair day. Hoping today is equally as good. I have to admit that last night in class I was looking in the mirror not only for concentration of my moves, but also to admire myself! How often does that happen?!? :-)

I am anticipating that by the end of April, I should be able to buy and fit into the next size down in my jeans. That will be incredible. I can't wait!!!

* * * * * * * * *

Reminder for all you Oprah fans: Dr. "Tell It Like It Is" Phil McGraw is on today. Get your video tape ready for recording! The last two Tuesdays he's been talking about attacking weight loss with a strategy. Those two shows were great! Although most of the information he gave I had already known. This show was really geared towards those individuals who are severely overweight/obese and really needed help.

Here is a glimpse of his plan:

1) Set a very specific goal.

2) Work out a very specific strategy.

3) Identify SMALL, measurable steps.

4) Create a R E A L I S T I C, healthy timeline.

5) Create meaningful monitoring and accountability.

* * * * * * * * *

Amazingly, by the end of this entry my mood has gone from "drained" to "energetic"!!! I am really excited about my life! My healthy life!

Thought Of The Day:"Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting."--William Shakespeare

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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