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2000-06-13 - 01:22:30pm

I haven't laughed out loud like that in a long time. I'm referring to my sister's webpage entry for today. I am specifically laughing at the picture she has a link to in her page. My, oh my!

Oh, just for the record, Ree... I never teased you for being overweight; not as a child and not now! Just wanted to clarify. And, you were not a FAT baby, you were just the way you were supposed to be... babies and toddlers need extra fat tissue to help keep their developing muscles safe and intact.

(If anyone wants to view this picture, go to: and click on the first photo link)

My sister is right about one thing for sure, it's good to have memories and revert to your childhood every now and then. For some unknown reason, when I think of my childhood, I typically remember ages 7 -11 the most. I can recall all stages of my childhood, but these are what come up in my mind first.

I can remember playing in the front yard of my house on Atwood Avenue. I was a very imaginative and creative child and could make believe and play alone for hours. Anyway, I was in the yard, minding my own business, pretending one thing or another when suddenly, a little boy from down the street walks up to me and punches me in the stomach. He literally knocked the wind out of me and I went reeling backwards.

At this time in my life, I remember having a "fur" coat. It was nothing more than a coat that was fuzzy with fake black and white hair. I loved that coat. I was wearing it and got tired, so I layed down on the sidewalk in front of the porch and went to sleep. This is at age 8. I remember waking up and then thinking that divorce was stupid. I remember saying to myself, "What's the point of getting married if you're just going to get divorced." Hmmmm... quite precocious for an 8 year old.

My most favorite memories of all are when Karyl was just a baby. I adored her. I loved to play with her. We were the best of friends. She was a lot younger than I was, but that didn't seem to matter. She and I even made up our own language and would talk to each other using it. I gave us "code names." I was Lilac and she was Waterlily. The premise behind this stemmed from not being part of Cathy Arrington's group; all of her club members had really cool code names. I taught Karyl how to write a "note" and she wrote one to me one day. I still have that note to this day. (it's safe and sound in storage, but I still have it)

I am hoping that she and I can grow even closer as we get older... this morning as I was putting on my makeup and such, I thought, "Wow! Wouldn't it be neat if Karyl and I got pregnant at the same time and our children were girls and they could grow up together?" (Of course, I would only want this to happen if Karyl were already married!) :-)

I think it will be neat when I become an aunt by my sister. I am an aunt already to all of Ben's neices & nephews, but there's just something extra special when a neice or nephew is born from your sister or brother. :-)

I know I rambled randomly, but I had a million thoughts running around in my head like electrons and protons and neutrons, bumping into each other and clinging to each other and etc..... :-)

Thought Of The Day: "The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart." --Saint Jerome

Until next time... peace, love & Health!

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