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2000-11-13 - 06:10am

It's that time again... time to share a whacked out dream with you.

It starts off with me, Karyl and Kurt at the airport. She and Kurt are flying to Hawaii and I'm flying there too, but separately. I had forgotten the flight number and was paranoid that I was going to miss my flight. As it turned out the lady at the counter checked my ticket and I was not going to miss the flight. The next thing I know, somehow I knock out my left front tooth. But, the whole thing is not gone. It's only partially missing and it seems that the right one might come out too. I immediately panic and ask someone to dial a dentist. They do and I go straight away.

I arrive and all the walls are pale yellow...warm and inviting. I have the particles of my tooth in my left hand and my right hand is covering my mouth because I'm embarrassed that I lost most of my tooth. They get to me immediately. I go in the room with the dentist (who was this INCREDIBLY built, handsome, and smooth skinned African American...this detail is important to mention now because it changes later in the dream)

I explain to him that I'm paranoid of the dentist and that when I was in 9th grade and had to have my bicuspids removed prior to getting my braces put on, the dentist gave me the shot of novocaine in my gum and I freaked out. At which time he recommended to my parents that they take me to an anesetheiologist (<---sp!!!!). This part of the dream is true. I also explained to him that when I was in the Navy that they wanted my wisdom teeth so I made them a deal; they put me under and they can have my teeth. They agreed. (<--this also really happened to me in my real life!)

So anyway, the dentist puts a brace around my neck and these strange gloves on my hands. He then puts this stuff in my mouth that tastes weird. (I find out later in the dream he was taking a mold of my mouth) He then turns on the "laughing gas" and lets it start to fill up the room. I'm a little apprehensive because it doesn't seem to be having an affect on me. He excuses himself for something and leaves the room.

The next thing I know, this really pretty girl is talking to me and washing her hands and telling me all about germs and then she brushes her own teeth. I find out that SHE is the dentist now. (though the other guy in the dream was the dentist in the beginning of the dream; there wasn't like a shift change in my dream or anything!) :-) She's very pretty with milky white skin and auburn hair. She's also pregnant. I have to use the bathroom so she removes the gloves from my hands. I use the bathroom, wash my hands and come back into the room. She's got aromatherapy candles burning and soothing music in the background to help me relax. (Apparently she is aware of my uneasiness at the dentist's office)

We start chatting (i still have something in my mouth and am partially drooling on myself) and she tells me she went to highschool at West Springfield. By the middle of the conversation, I realize I'm in the orthodontist's office that I went to in 9th grade. I explain to her that Dr. Organsky (sp?) put on my braces, he did my sister's braces and is now responsible for my brother's braces! (this is also a true fact of my "real" life) She's amazed! She's about to do the procedure when I notice that I've been there 7 or 8 hours and worry if I'm going to be charged by the hour or just for the services rendered.

Karma Chameleon just came on the 80's station and I'm thinking of you! :-)

Back to the dream... then this lady dentist says she has to go in the other room for a second but will be right back. When she returns, she's completely nude! She's an aromatherapy-nudist-dentist!!! How is that for completely strange on the whacked out scale for dreams??? Turns out though, that she has AOL for her ISP and we trade screen names to keep in touch.

I don't understand the meaning behind this dream but it sure is completely WHACKED! Oh, on the "whacked" note, Ree... tell Cristina that they are now selling an at home version of her fav game: "Whack A Mole"! I saw it at the store and then advertised on tv not long ago.

So there ya have it my friends... my really whacked out dream.

Hope your day is more normal than my dream!!!

Thought Of The Day:"Insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit that they are crazy."--Nora Ephron

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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