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2000-08-14 - 06:15am

Ok, ya go. My sister was disappointed to find that I didn't make a new entry yesterday, so I promised her this entry would be all about her. How kind am I? hee hee

First of all, I want to set up a link to a great picture that was taken of the two of us recently. (Karyl, how do I do that????) It's so hard to believe that she's my little sister when I look at her. First of all, she stands a good 3 or 4 inches taller than I do. Secondly, she looks nothing like me. Not a bad thing, just a fact. Minus the fact that she coloured her hair a brilliant shade of auburn (yes,you COLOUR your hair, you do not DYE it!!!)we still don't look alike.

Although, a lot of idiot people say when I show them a picture of her, "Oh, she looks just like you!" Uhhhh... WHAT??? (of course, it's not like it would bother me if we did look alike, we just don't.) I am adding this part later on... here's an example of what I mean. This was taken from an email from my friend Dale who saw the picture that I'm referring to in the beginning of this diary entry: "You and your sister are very much the same. I look at the skin color and cheek bone structure. Plus your eyebrows have the same line." I swear, people are on acid these days! We kind of did when we were reallllllly little, (I'd like to insert a pic here too!) but that's mainly because we both had blonde hair, blue eyes and our mom dressed us in the same exact Dr. Denton footed pajamas. Remember them? :-)

Nowadays, Karyl has soft, porcelain white skin, steel-bluegrey eyes and full red lips. She's, as I mentioned before a lot taller than I am. I have a slight bronze to my skin, grey-green eyes and soft pink lips. (ugh!)

And again, I have to mention her infectious laugh. Especially the night of "The Dancing Underwear". But, alas I shall save that story for another entry.

I am really glad that she and I are being able to get closer now that we're older. Did I mention that she's coming to visit this Saturday????? YAY!!!! I can't wait!!!

Thought Of The Day: "Work is not always required, there is such a thing as sacred idleness."--George MacDonald

Until next time... peace, love & Health!!!

ps- for those of you who are interested, Madonna gave birth to a little boy named Rocco on the 11th of August.

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