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2002-10-14 - 6:04 p.m.

It seems as though my entries are becoming more and more infrequent. I think that's because I just don't feel that my life is very interesting right now.

I suppose that's a lot better than having a lot of conflict and/or turmoil going on.

Sometimes I get discouraged from writing an entry because I have a bad habit of comparing myself to my fellow diarylanders-- people who write better and are funnier than I am. An example of such a person would be Marn. A lot of times her diary is so funny, I have tears rolling down my face. Granted, not every entry she writes is of epic laughing proportions, but the majority of her entries are quite humourous. Or, at least, she can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Take one of her recent entries where she describes childbirth as passing a watermelon through a hole that is much too small to have anything watermelon-sized going through it. Ironically, I once asked my own mother what childbirth felt like (as I have yet to experience it for myself) and she said just about the same thing. Her analogy involved a watermelon. Maybe that's because Marn and my momma are the same age. I dunno.

OH! WAIT! I did have something funny happen to me recently, dear readers. I cannot believe I almost forgot to tell you this!

Ok, so Ben and I are at Super Wal-Mart getting groceries yesterday morning. We decided that most folk would be at church if we timed it just right so we left fairly early in the morning.

We were about halfway through the food aisles and stopped in front of the Ramen noodles. We both reminisced <--sp? to a time when we used to eat them. (We stopped because they're actually high in calories and high in POINTS and we also discovered that they have lactose in the ingredient list.) I digress.

Anywho, so there we are just making comments to ourselves about the 16 grams of fat per package when this elderly couple stop and tell us how good the Ramen noodles are and are great for pinching pennies. The old man has this huge lump sticking out of the side of his throat, much like a tumor. He goes on to tell us a few insignificant details of his life and as soon as he's done, his wife begins to go into great detail about her cholesterol level. She tells us, "Well, you know when the lab doesn't call you then that's good. My cholesterol was at 180 last month and that's really high!" Then she proceeds to tell Ben and I, much to our dismay, about her impending bloodwork for something called keytones? It was a little more information than I was prepared to digest in the middle of the soup aisle at Super Wal-Mart early on a Sunday morning. As soon as they walked away and we were 2 aisles ahead of them, Ben and I gave each other this "Look" and busted out laughing. We couldn't believe that these people just opened up to us and told us some of the most intimate details of their life. It was quite amusing to say the least.

I told you my life hasn't been overly exciting lately!!

Thought Of The Day:"Humor is by far the most significant activity of the human brain."--Edward De Bono

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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No, It's Not A Mirage | 2011-09-06

No More Mommy Exclusives on FB | 2010-07-06

My Personal Challenges | 2010-06-23

The Golden Rule Equals Epic Fail | 2010-04-06

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