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2004-07-15 - 8:45 a.m.

DISCLAIMER: For those of you who are faint of heart or of weak constitution, you may not want to continue reading. This entry will be full of sappy, love-sickening references that may make one nauseous. Having said that, enter at your own risk!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

My husband is THE BEST HUSBAND ever. I mean it. If I were to add up all of his flaws and compare it to all of his positive traits, the good far out-weighs the bad.

Case in point: This Morning.

Ben asked me if I'd help him strip the sheets off the bed. I thought this was an odd request on a Thursday morning before work. Typically we change the linens on the weekend. So, I inquired as to why. He said that there was a spot of blood on the sheets. [Having been married for almost 10 years, things like this do not freak out either one of us.] I said, "Oh. I'm sorry... I must have started already."

Then I muttered under my breath, "Sh*t!"

"What's the matter, honey?" Ben asks.

"Well, I just realized that I forgot to buy tampons when I we went to Publix yesterday and I think I'm out," I replied.

"Don't you have some in your purse?" he inquired.

"Yes, I probably have a few but that won't get me through the day," I answered.

So he suggests that he take the truck to work, thereby leaving me the car and free to go back to Publix to buy tampons. I groan at this because I just don't want to go there just to buy tampons but I realize that I have no choice.

Four tampons is not going to get me through the day.

Neither of us thinks any more about it and we continue our morning routines. Close to 7 o'clock he loads his stuff into the truck and heads to work. I kiss him good-bye and immediately jump into my workout.

About 25 minutes pass when I hear the key in the door as I'm doing knee-repeaters. Ben calls out, "Don't be alarmed, it's just me!"

I pause the workout and with a puzzled look on my face ask him, "What did you forget?"

"Nooooooothing," he drawls out. I am even more baffled until a sheepish smile spreads across his face and he produces a grocery bag from behind his back and hands it to me.

Ok, boys and girls... can you guess what was inside the bag???

If you guessed a box of tampons, you get a gold star for the day!

I smile at him, thank him, but say, "Aren't you going to be late to work?"

He answers sweetly, "Not really. It was worth the few minutes out of my day to do this for you. I didn't want you to have to go to Publix."

I look at the box and realize that they're not quite the right ones at the exact same moment that he says, "I know they're not the SlimFits, but they didn't have them. I looked and looked." [how great is it that my husband knows e x a c t l y what brand and type of tampons that I use?!?]

The type he had bought were SuperPlus absorbency. Then I had to school him gently in the difference in tampons. He offered, "I thought that meant it would hold more." I then told him, "It does but it also means that the tampon itself is bigger." He didn't realize this. So, I pulled out one of the SlimFits I had in my purse and compared it to the SuperPlus he had bought in order to give him a visual. [you know how men are; they learn by seeing and women learn by doing]

"Ahhhh. Ok. Sorry about that," he apologized.

"Not a big deal. I'll use them anyway because you went so far out of your way to be nice and do this for me."

Then a huge, cheesy grin slowly creeps from one side of his face to the other. I raise and eyebrow at him and inquire, "Did you do this partially to make it into my next diary entry?" The grin is full blown now and he's vigorously nodding up and down his answer. [I had previously read him the last two entries I had written because he wanted to hear them and wouldn't have time at work to read them himself.]

So... OBVIOUSLY, I had to comply! Even though he can be a little sneaky sometimes overall he's one of the most thoughtful and considerate people I know!!!

And I'm proud to be his wife.

Thought Of The Day: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." --Margaret Mead (1901 - 1978)

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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The Golden Rule Equals Epic Fail | 2010-04-06

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