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2004-06-16 - 11:59 a.m.

Isn't it amazing how you can know someone for 25+ years and still learn new things about him/her?

In this case, it's my sister, Karyl. She was writing her diary all about her version of obsessive-compulsive disorder/disease that she jokingly says that she has. She mentioned my form of it too.

For those of you who know me personally, you've probably been exposed to this at one time or another. She's right though; I cannot wear an outfit without my bra and undies matching. They don't necessarily have to match the outfit precisely, but the bra and undies have to match each other. My socks have to match either the bra & undies OR the outfit; primarily the shirt. (I typically wear shirts and jeans.)

I've tried to wear non-matching undies with a different colored bra. That lasted about 2 minutes. I ended up taking off the undies and tossing them in the hamper and getting a fresh, color-coordinated pair to put on instead.

She's also correct about the label thing. Not only do I prefer for my labels on my food to face forward in my pantry & cupboards, but in my fridge as well. I have a very organized fridge. It's not spotless, but it's organized. All my labels and fronts are facing me. And if I go into the fridge and see something askew, I turn it around properly.

When I take my vitamins in the morning, I take them in the EXACT same order each time. I swear. I do not deviate from this. First I swallow my Vit. C tablet followed by my B-12, then Calicmate, B-Complex 75, Ultra Mega Minerals, Vit. E, and finally my multi-vitamin (Ultra Mega Women). [all courtesy of GNC]

Back to the clothes thing for a moment. My closet is small, but it's organized into color groups; starting with white and light shades. Next are yellows, greens, blues, browns, and finally black. (Anyone notice a specific pattern here??) Speaking of the closet, those same clothes are all on hangers and the hangers as well as the shirts MUST face the exact same way. My jeans are neatly folded on the shelf beneath the shirts/tops.

My "O.C.D." also prevents me from putting my feet beyond the invisible barrier of the end of the bed or the side of the car. For example, if I am retrieving something from the back seat of the car with the door open, I cannot allow my ankles to touch the door frame where my feet would actually be underneath the car. This one is the strangest of all my idiosynchrasies. If my ankles/feet get close to being underneath, I get a weird sensation come over me and pull them back quickly!

I know that these habits may seem strange to the casual observer, but at least I'm neat, clean and organized!

Thought Of The Day:"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life." --Immanuel Kant (1724 - 1804)

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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