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2002-06-17 - 4:35 p.m.

Apologies for my absence. I had a busy weekend! Last Friday, Ben and I went to the Louisville Zoo. I had not been to the zoo since I was a little girl.

We had a fabulous time!

The first animals that we saw were some flamingos and next to them was a pond with a little fence around it. There was a placard on top of a pole indicating that there were turtles in this pond. I'm looking over the fence and scanning the water for any sign of a turtle. The water was crystal clear so I would have seen a turtle had there been any in the pond. As I'm looking for the turtle(s), I'm imagining them to be about the size of a dinner plate, with long necks and short stumpy legs adorned with a yellow & black spotty shell. No such luck.

Then suddenly, I turn to my left about 45 degrees and without thinking blurted out, "HOLY SHIT!" Of course, keep in mind that several school children were surrounding the exhibits on their field trip.

I blurted the curse word mistakenly but in a state of shock because the 'turtles' that were in my view were enormous!

Here's a shot of them:

Now you can see why I reacted the way that I did! :-) :-)

* * * * * * * * * * *

And here's a photo to make you smile even more: (I have this hanging on my wall---- I bought the frame separately from developing the picture. I took the photo at my girlfriend, Rosemarie's house back in January.)

Have a TERRIFIC day you guys!

Thought Of The Day: "You can get everything you want in life, if you just help enough other people get what they want."-- Zig Ziglar, Author and Speaker

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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