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2003-03-20 - 9:54 a.m.

First thing I want to talk about is this diary. I know this diary is for me and not here for anyone else but myself, but I often wonder if anyone reads it besides me? Because I keep posting things like, "What do you guys think of this picture" or "I'm counting on you guys to give me suggestions..." etc. etc. and yet I usually only get one response. And it's usually from the same 2 people (in rotation). It distresses me.

I feel as though I'm not liked here at Diaryland. Not that I should look for the folks here to approve of me or anything, but still, it'd be nice to feel like people are interested in me and care about what I have to say. I realize that I can't be Marn and I realize too that I'll never have Diaryland success like Uncle Bob. I am just looking for more comments in my guestbook, or perhaps a note or a quick email. Something. Anything.

Because otherwise, I just may shut this thing down. That's not a threat, just truth. If I'm not feeling supported, then I feel that I shouldn't spend my time & effort on this diary page. If I want a diary that's just for me, then I can write in a paper journal.

That's all I have to say about that.

* * * * * * * * *

Now, on to my political views.


This may come across as harsh, callous and unfeeling, but those of you (if anyone does actually read this) who know me and know me well, absolutely know that I'm not a cruel or mean-spirited person. I am just tired of hearing about the war and it's just begun. We usually watch CNN Headline News in the morning as Ben gets ready for work. This morning, they were broadcasting CNN on the Headline News channel. They were live (even though it was 5am and they usually don't go live until 6am Eastern time) and they were updating the smallest of events.

One reporter even broke into the broadcast to say, "We have just heard an explosion!"

Well, No Shit, Sherlock! There's a fucking war going on, there are going to be lots and lots of explosions. It pisses me off how the media sensationalizes events like war, etc. Grrrrr! Irritates me to no end.

I don't mind knowing what is truly important; any injuries, casualties, (for both sides) and where/what we're going to do next. And I don't mind if that is reported every half hour or so. But to tell me every 5 to 7 minutes that there has been an explosion is in the realm of the ridiculous in my opinion.

Personally, I just don't understand why months ago we didn't send in a Special Ops Unit and just assisnate Saddam. I mean really. A friend of mine & Ben's explained that there are laws that bind us and keep us from assinations. My rebuttal was, "Okay. So, it's perfectly all right for us to go over and bomb the hell out of an ENTIRE country and kill thousands of innocent people (both our people and theirs) but it's NOT okay to kill the ONE man who is destroying his own country and who is the main focal point of this war????" He agreed with me on my point of view.

As I told my girlfriend, Alicia, I think President Bush and Saddam Hussein should be locked in a room and be made to duke it out the old-fashioned way. Who ever wins, gets his way! Seems reasonable enough to me!

Ok, I'm half-kidding here but you get the point I'm trying to make.

I think I'm just not in a very good mood today.

And it's raining.


(actually it's pouring and there is thunder in the distance)

Thought Of The Day:"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war."--Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Thought Of The Day #2:"War is a series of catastrophes that results in a victory."--Georges Clemenceau (1841 - 1929)

Until next time... PEACE, love & health!!!!

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