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2000-08-21 - 07:35am

Hi, guys! I apologize for not writing all weekend, but I've been having too much fun with my sister and Kurt. They drove from VA to see me and arrived on Saturday afternoon. In fact, they are sleeping as I write this entry.

It's been awhile since I've written a "serious" diary entry. (thank goodness) But, today I feel a need to. Yesterday I witnessed a huge accident nearby our local mall involving a gas explosion.

It was a little frightening at first because we didn't know what was really going on. We didn't know if the explosion could affect the mall or not. We did realize that it was burning a mile or so safely away from us. As I stood there watching the blaze, information about a bulldozer causing the horrific explosion ciruclated the crowd of bystanders outside the mall. (these people, including us, decided it was of no use to get into our cars and sit in the tangled traffic for an hour just to leave the parking lot) I began to tear up, thinking that the man driving the bulldozer was certainly dead. I thought of his wife. I thought of his children. I thought of his family. I began thinking how really precious our lives are.

I began to ponder, "What if the mall had exploded?" and "My family would be devasted." I really was sad and sympathetic to the family of the man who drove the bulldozer that caused the accident.

It was such and intense explosion, that even though we were nearly a mile away, you could feel the heat of the 100 foot flames that were viciously licking the sky. The growl of the fire sounded much like that of a jet engine. It was very loud. After an hour, I had a headache from the loud noise.

I was relieved to discover this morning when I read the article online, that no one was seriously injured. I thank God for not taking anyone up to his house from that accident.

I also thank God that I am alive. I thank God that I have a wonderful husband, a loving family, clothes on my back, food in my belly and a roof over my head. The things that tend to be taken for granted on a daily basis, I feel blessed that I have these things in my life.

It feels GOOD to be ALIVE!!!

I want to make a prayer here on the page today:

Dear Lord,

Thank you for all the many blessings each and everyone of us enjoy every single day. Thank you for families, for husbands & wives, for children. Thank you for the love we have for these precious people in our lives. Thank you for preventing anyone from being hurt in that gas explosion. I also pray for the safety of all the men and women in the world who have dangerous jobs on which they could become seriously injured or dead. Please protect all your beautiful and wonderful children,Lord,and keep each and everyone of us safe and sound. In your name, I do pray. Amen.

Thought Of The Day: "Please take a moment or two and outloud, say to yourself, I am thankful for..... and really be glad about that." --me

Until next time, peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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