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2000-11-21 - 07:19am

I'm so excited!!!

For a few reasons.

First, I got new jammies! YAY!!! They are soooo cute, I hafta admit. They are cotton/flannel. The main colour is white with yellow suns and stars and blue moons. They are wayyyyy comfy, too! You're dying to know where I bought them aren't you?!? Tar-Jay Boutique, of course! Where else?!?

Secondly, I get to see my Sis and my Momma!


Third, I get to eat my Momma's homemade cooking on Thanksgiving. My Momma is The Best Cook On The Planet . Of course, I'm runner-up next to her. I'm just cuter! Hee, hee, hee!

I'm really looking forward to eating her acorn squash. If you've never had acorn squash, you are truly lacking My Friend. Acorn squash is the size of a large softball and is dark green on the outside. Inside, the flesh is a golden orange. My mom cuts them open, scoops out the seeds, and then makes these meatball-sausage thingys that sit in the middle of the squash. She then puts a little butter and some brown sugar in the middle too and bakes the whole thing. YUM! I'm pretty sure that's how she does it. I haven't had Thanksgiving with my mom in YEARS !

So, besides the acorn squash, I'm gonna have mashed taters, corn-on-the-cob, green beans and of course, turkey. White meat, please! :-)

Oh, let's not forget the pumpkin pie. I'm trying to decide if I should make it before I go to Momma's or make it when I get there. Hmmm..... I think it'd be better if I make it fresh. Besides, it may not travel well. So, Momma, I'm gonna make it when I get there, Ok? :-)

Well, everyone... I hope you have a


....... don't get stuffed!

Thought Of The Day:"The habit of giving only enhances the desire to give." --Walt Whitman

Thought Of The Day #2:"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy: They are the charming gardeners who make our soul blossom." --Marcel Proust

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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