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2001-09-24 - 7:21 a.m.

Today's entry is centered around Oprah and her fabulous magazine. I've been a suscriber since the premier issue. It's a phenomenal magazine. Oprah's mantra is: "Live your best life." I love how she has redirected her show to center and focus on making our lives the best that they can be.

I was reading the October issue in bed last night and was moved by a particular article. At the end of each magazine, Oprah writes "What I Know For Sure". This issue's column struck a chord with me and I felt compelled to share it here with all of you.

"Talking with thousands of people over the years has shown me that there's one desire we all share: We want to feel valued. Whether you're a mother in Topeka or a businesswoman in Philadelphis, each of us, at our core, longs to be loved, needed, understood, affirmed--to have intimate connections that leave us feeling more alive and human. That's why babies who aren't hugged, cuddled, or smiled at are prone to illness. And just because we grow up doesn't mean we grow out of that need. Nearly every emotional malady is somehow connected to a lack of love and a feeling of worthlessness.

As a girl growing up shuffled between Mississippi, Nashville, and Milwaukee, I didn't feel loved. I thought i could make people approve of me by becoming an achiever. Then in my twenties I based my worth on whether a man would love me. I remember once even throwing a boyfriend's keys down the toilet to keep him from walking out on me! I was no different from a physically abused woman. i wasn't getting slapped upside the head every night, but because my wings were clipped i couldn't soar. i had so much going for me, but without a man I thought I was nothing. Not until years later did I understand that the love and approval I craved could not be found outside of myself.

What I know for sure is that lack of intimacy is not distance from someone else; it is disregard for yourself. It's true that we all need the kind of relationships that enrich and sustain us. But it's also true that if you're looking for someone to heat and complete you--to shush that voice inside you that has always whispered, You're not worth anything--you're wasting your time. Why? Because if you don't already know that you have worth, there's nothing that your friends, your family, or your mate can say that will completely assure you of that. The Creator has given you full responsibility for your life, and with that responsibility comes an amazing privilege--the power to give yourself love, affection, and itimacy you may not have received as a child. You are the one best mother, father, sister, friend, cousin, and lover you will ever have.

Right now you're one choice away from seeing yourself as someone whose life has inherent significance--so choose to see it that way. You don't have to spend one more second focusing on a past not filled with the affirmation you should have gotten from your parents--yes you did deserve that love, but it's up to you now to bestow it upon yourself and move forward. Stop waiting for your husband or lover to say "I appreciate you," your kids to tell you what a great mother you are, a man to whisk you away and marry you, or your best friend to assure you that you're worth a darn. Look inward--the loving begins with you."

I encourage each and everyone of you to go out today or tomorrow and buy the October issue of "O". It's worth it!

Note to Lissa: Ben didn't want me to have to wait for my subscription copy since she looks so good on the cover, so he bought me one yesterday. Of course, I still want my original copy, but feel free to read it when it arrives first. ;-)

Thought Of The Day:"Starting today, make it your goal not only to listen to others but to really hear them with all your senses."--Oprah

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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