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2000-08-28 - 06:40am

Last night Ben and I watched an incredible movie that I had rented from Blockbuster. "Erin Brockovich". Have you seen it? If you haven't, I am ordering you to rush right out to Blockbuster or your local video store and rent it. It is phenomenal! Ben and I also laughed our butts off, too.

I liked this movie because it was based on a real story and also because I realllllllly like Julia Roberts. She was the perfect choice for the role. And, if you've seen the movie and didn't know, the "REAL" Erin Brockovich, makes a cameo appearance as the waitress in the diner. :-)

I find it very titallating (<---sp?) and all so fascinating that this woman, with absolutely no skills and no real education to speak of, worked her butt off and helped her boss bring down a major corporation and slapped it with a $333 MILLION dollar law suit. I know that education is important and necessary, but Erin is an example of determination and persistance winning in the end. That's the way it should be!

I often wish I had that kind of gumption and initiative, but I don't. I am very much lacking in that department. Oh, sure, I have initative and gumption in a lot of aspects of my life, but not something as important as what Erin did for all those people. I truly admire her! And, another thing I liked was the fact (and Ben mentioned this too) was that she wasn't motivated by the money. She really & truly wanted to help the people. And because of her relentess persistance and her passion for wanting to help, she was rewarded handsomely in the end. (and do i mean VERY handsomely!!!) :-)

I wish more employers would reward the hardworking employees that bust their butts to get the job done and who give 110%. Raises and bonuses shouldn't be only based on seniority and time on the job. A lot of the time, that doesn't mean crap when compared to the person's job performance!

And thus, I have digressed.... sorry! :-)

I really liked... no, I LOVED that movie. Go rent it for cryin' out loud!

Thought Of The Day: "A woman cannot directly choose her circumstances, but she can choose her thoughts, and so indirectly, yet surely, shape her circumstances....As a woman thinketh in her heart, so is she." --Dorothy Hulst

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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