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2000-08-02 - 7:00am

I can certainly see what you meant in that one entry, Karyl... I had the BEST idea for a diary entry yesterday afternoon while making pasta (or is that PAAASTA???) for dinner. Of course, I've sat here for a few minutes smacking my head against the desk trying to remember what the hell it was. Grrrr!

I can say that I am definitely confused on my body functions. Let me further explain. I haven't been sleeping nearly as well as I know that I am capable of sleeping. I wake up and still feel a bit groggy and not rested. Well, when I was up north at my parent's over the weekend, Ben and I had to sleep in my 11 yr. old brother's room. (he was away at Boy Scout Camp) He has two twin beds in the room separated by a large bookcase. It was not a good idea to move the two beds together, so Ben and I just snuggled up realllllllly close and slept on the bed closest to the wall. So, here we are, two grown adults sharing one tiny twin bed and I have to tell the truth... those few nights were some of the best nights of sleep I've had in a long while. (minus the one night where I thought I was going to vomit, got to the bathroom, salivated for about 10 minutes and felt fine after that. Don't ask, I don't know!)

I don't understand why I would sleep better in my brother's bed than in my own. I especially don't understand because my bed is in my own "house". Hmmm.... I am hoping that now that we're back into our routine of doing aerobics before Ben goes to work that that will relieve some of this sleeping problem. Otherwise, I think I may go nuts! :-)

Of course, it doesn't help that Trip slept ALLLLLLL day yesterday, so naturally he was "Little Demon Kitty" when we were sleeping. Fortunately, we dumped his toys out onto the living room floor and that kept him occupied for a few hours. When I woke up at 1:30 this morning feeling quite famished, he was very confused as to why I was up. Then I decided to eat a small bowl of cereal to ward off the hunger pangs and Trip jumped up on the desk where I was sitting and looked at me inquisitively as if to ask, "May I have some?" So, naturally when I was finished I let him lick the soy milk out of the bowl. He's soooo darned cute!

Too cute for his own good I'm afraid!

Well folks, enough of my kitty antics and lack of sleep problems.... see ya soon!

Thought Of The Day: "The artist knows he must be alone to create; the writer, to work out his thoughts; the musician, to compose; the saint, to pray. But women need solitude in order to find again the true essence of themselves."--Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Until next time... peace, love & Health!!!

Note To Ree: if you're interested, me & Aunt Flo have been aquainted 15 years as of today! :0)

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