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2000-07-03 - 23:10:50

(Pardon the lateness of this entry; Michele's sister Karyl is posting the entries for right now.)

Anyhow, here's our latest trailer excursion... or perhaps slight disaster........ where to start? Well, so much for our efforts to get the slideout in before the rain came.... it rained almost our entire trip. (which by the way, only took us a day and half to get here) There's obviously a large leak in our slide out right above the tires. So, the tires splashed even more water up there. My entire living room floor was soaked...all the way to the front door. And it was wetter than it's EVER been... this time when you walked on it, it went "Squish, squish!" Brother!

Well, as you can guess, we had to put up w/ the nasty gym-sock smell for about 4 days. Then we decided to steam clean the carpet. We have an attachment for our Rainbow! YAY! Well, Ben gets it all set up ,etc only to realize that we need an adapter for the kitchen sink. (the hose plugs right up to it for the steam cleaning action) Well, since we're 40mi south of Huntsville, we have to wait till the next day to "go into town". Good grief! Well, we finally do get the attachment. Then we find out that there's a leak in our roof! Yeah! Hello, can I get a break here people?????? Ben further inspects the situation. The seal between the gasket and the fiberglass broke down causing it to leak in. So he further inspects.... lots

and lots of water damage that obviously had been there for a WHILE! So, back to Lowe's we go. Meanwhile, we took a trip to Home Depot...we were gonna rip up the carpet and the padding and put down either Pergo or hardwood floors

and then a nice rug in the living room. We find out (much to our SHOCK and surprise) that it's going to cost $453+ tax to do this. Grrrrrrr!! So, Ix-Nay on the Flooring-Ay. Grumble, grumble! :-)

Back to plan A. We did manage to find a much-needed duvet for our bed. It was a decent price too. We bought it at Linens & Things. It's a light "butterscotch" colour. Kinda like a golden yellow. It has subtle stripes on

it. The one set of stripes "shine" against the other stripes. Afterwards, we stop at Wal-Mart. We decide to go ahead with the carpet (throw rug) to make it look better in the living room.... liven up the place. It worked!!! ;-)

So, today, I steam-cleaned the entire trailer. WOW! What a difference. The carpet looks a lot better. It wasn't very dirty though. I attribute that a lot to using our Rainbow vacuum cleaner all the time. Then once the carpet was done, we laid down the "throw rug" we bought at Wal-Mart. It looks sooooo nice in here! Forgot to mention that I decided to clean the shower today from top to bottom. Needless to say, I think I inhaled too many LimeAway fumes!!! (do I sound giddy all a sudden?!?) Oh, I have to put this plug in here: LimeAway is KICK BOOTY STUFF!!!!!!!! Check it out to clean your bathrooms, etc! Great stuff. (rave, rave!)

Later today, we went to Lowe's and bought $128 worth of materials for Ben to re-do our roof. He started on that this afternoon and hopes to finish it tomorrow before the rain comes. And, besides we'd like to relax on our holiday on the 4th! :-)

So, that's what's been up with us so far! I hope you all have a great holiday! Stay smart & be safe!!!

Thought Of The Day: "You only live once- but if you work it right, once is enough." --Joe E. Lewis, comedian

Until next time... peace, love & Health!!!

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No, It's Not A Mirage | 2011-09-06

No More Mommy Exclusives on FB | 2010-07-06

My Personal Challenges | 2010-06-23

The Golden Rule Equals Epic Fail | 2010-04-06

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