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2001-10-04 - 7:15 a.m.

I've given in.

I'm no longer in denial and I'm actually happy about it.

I've succumbed (<---sp?) to the reality that summer is over and autumn has begun. And a touch of seasonal nostalgia seemed to be hanging in the air.

To celebrate my new-found entrance back into reality, I bought a potpurri pot yesterday. I bought this amazing liquid potpurri for it. The "flavor" is called Apple Sauce Cake. It smells heavenly. I absolutely love the scent of apple & cinnamon. I also bought some apple-cinnamon scented candles to sit next to the potpurri pot on the kitchen table. My house smells like October! ;-)

I have to admit... most of you may be shocked to read this, especially those of you who know me personally... but October is my FAVORITE month.

I'll let you catch your breath for a moment.

Now that you've digested this information, I'll tell you why. October starts out with warm, sunny days and cool, clear nights. The air is crispy like a fresh Gala apple picked straight from the tree. The trees go through their rainbow metamorphises (damn, i can't spell worth a crap today!) and though I have witnessed the leaves changing color each and every year, it still takes my breath away.

Certain smells of Autumn fill me with happiness and peace. I feel calm, yet energized and full of life. I also like the clothes of Autumn...the dark, rich colors and fabrics are titallating. The deep plums, dark burgandies, rusted orange, and woodsy browns. Ahhhh! And, it doesn't hurt that all the rich colors of Autumn flatter me well. *wink, wink*

Don't get me wrong, I still have a strong love of summer....I like not having to wear heavy clothing, thick jackets, mittens & scarves. I love the seemingly endless days of sunshine and azure skies.

But there's just a wonderful feeling this time of year. Can't quite put my finger on it, but suffice it to say that for me, it is pure magic!!!

Thought Of The Day:"Autumn arrives in the early morning, but spring at the close of a winter day."--Elizabeth Bowen (1899 - 1973) Irish author

Thought Of The Day #2:"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."--George Eliot (1819 - 1880) English novelist

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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