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2003-08-07 - 9:57 a.m.

I am very proud of myself!

Usually when something doesn't work the way that it's "supposed" to, I become more than slightly annoyed. Sometimes my anger flares up and I'm downright pissed off. There are even times where I've let my anger get the best of me.

But not today!

You see, I decided yesterday afternoon that it was time to update my homepage and post new photos. (I've also finally changed the photo on my guestbook, too!)

Well it seemed like a simple task. I just had to upload the photos that I wanted to use and insert them into the page. Everything seemed to be working very well. Or so I thought.

This morning, all giddy with pride I thought I'd show Ben the new update to my page. When I went onto the page, there were some items missing. I heaved a large sigh and decided to go into the edit screen and fix the errors.

I fixed the errors (or so I thought) and went to view my page. Much to my HORROR almost all of the page was gone! All of my hard work POOF! up in smoke. The text was missing as well as most of my photos & images. I was mad!

My heartbeat increase, my palms became sweaty, my breathing labored.... then I said, "Michele, it's just a computer webpage. It's not so important to waste negative energy on it. It CAN be fixed."

So, I took an extremely deep breath and called AOL Tech Support. The thickly-accented gentleman ran through a few procedures and told me that once I restarted my computer, all would be well and the problem would be resolved.

I was feeling a little better already.

I did as instructed but when I pulled up my homepage, it was still mostly blank. So I called AOL Technical Support(or A-O-Hell as my sister so lovingly refers to them) and stated the problem again to another thickly-accented gentleman. He ran through another set of procedures and again, I had to restart the computer. I pull up the webpage and still nothing.

So at this point very calmly I decide to just redo the page. I spent the better part of an hour fixing the missing text, images and photos. I even checked to make sure my links were correct. When I was done, my girlfriend, Alicia double-checked it for me. She said it looked good. I was pleased. I was bummed however, to discover that in redoing the page my "hits" counter started back at zero. Previously before yesterday the counter had reached upwards of 850 or more! Oh, well. The most important aspect is that the page is done and working properly. Feel free to check out my other webpage.

I'm so glad that I kept calm and did not let myself get out of control! GO ME!

Thought Of The Day:""Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results."--Willie Nelson, Singer and Songwriter

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

Getting Back Into My Vortex | 2011-09-08

No, It's Not A Mirage | 2011-09-06

No More Mommy Exclusives on FB | 2010-07-06

My Personal Challenges | 2010-06-23

The Golden Rule Equals Epic Fail | 2010-04-06

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