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2001-02-07 - 07:21am

Yesterday was a fabulous day!!!

I was able to get a lot of things accomplished on my list. I was in the best of moods! I'm also feeling proud of myself because I've worked out 6 days straight! Today, I'm giving my body a day of rest.

Today I'm going to try to order an ice-cream cake for Ben's birthday on Friday. I also need to buy him a few more things for presents. Believe it or not, this is the first time where I am completely stumped as to what to buy. He already has the Nintendo system he begged me for at Christmas last year. (1999) He just recently bought the Donkey Kong 64 game that he's wanted for a long time. He's addicted to it, by the way! He really wants a new 12-string guitar, but first of all we don't really have room for it in the RV and secondly, he doesn't play the 6-string he has now. It's only because he doesn't really have a place to play it. When we had an apartment or a townhouse, we had a whole area set up for him to play his guitar, write and record his music. So, I don't have a clue as to what to buy.

Of course, I work well under pressure. I can find that "perfect" gift when put under the gun! :-)

* * * * * * * * * *

I had a reaffirmation yesterday. I think that's the right word I want here. Anyone who knows me well, knows how much I am into health & nutrition, as well as fitness. Someday I want to become a certified nutritionist. Anyhow, when my Tae-Bo class ended yesterday, this one lady was talking to Robert, the instructor about food. I happened upon the conversation and just listened as she told him that she doesn't really eat breakfast and that for lunch she eats popcorn and peanut butter crackers. For dinner she had some potato salad and something else. Robert was explaining that she needs to eat a little better than that if she wants to lose weight. She has actually slowed her metabolism by not eating breakfast and by only eating one meal a day.

He was dead on. A lot of people are under the misconception that if they consume as few calories as possible that they'll lose weight. WRONG-O!

Your body is much like a fireplace. The fire can't get started without kindling and a log. Your metabolism doesn't actually get "fired up" until you actually put something in there. If you wake up and don't eat breakfast and skip lunch, then 2 things happen. First, your metabolism remains "asleep" until that first bite of food goes in there and second, because of the skipped meals the body goes into a shock and says "I'd better hold on to alllll these calories because I don't know when I'm gonna get fed again". As a result, your body gains weight. Whereas, if you eat even a piece of fruit or half a bagel or muffin (preferably homemade) for your first meal of the day, then the "furnance" in your stomach gets going, your metabolism wakes up and starts to actually BURN calories. If you keep putting logs on a fire, it keeps burning. So, if you keep putting good food in your body, it will be burnt off by your metabolism.

The trick though is to eat real food. Raw fruits, raw & steamed veggies, baked potatoes with only a little pat of butter (NOT margarine), broiled or baked chicken....etc, etc. You get the idea.

But again, I digress. So, I get into this big nutrition conversation with this woman who is all ears. She seemed really interested in what I had to say and my knowledge of the subject. It felt sooooo good to be "needed" like that. It reaffirmed that I truly want to become a professional in this field. I am passionate about this like nothing else in my life up to this point. (well, obviously other than Ben!!!)

I'm even going so far as putting together an information packet that I'm going to give to her tomorrow at Tae-Bo. That way, she can take it home, read it and digest it at her own pace and on her own time. I'm so excited about this!!!

If anyone else wants any advice on nutrition/health etc; I'm your girl!!! Just let me know! I'd love to help!

Thought Of The Day:"No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings."--William Blake

Thought Of The Day #2:"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."--Les Brown

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

* * * * * * * * *

ps- a great book I recommed is: "Nutrition Made Simple" by Robert Crayhon

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