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2000-11-08 - 06:28am

When it comes to giving gifts, I'm sad! Sad in the sense that I can't wait to see the person's face or hear their reaction to what I bought for him/her.

For instance, yesterday I mailed off a box of goodies for Rosemarie for her birthday. Uhhhh.... I was going to put here what I sent, but I wonder if she's been reading faithfully or not..... hmmm....ok, well I'm gonna take a chance. Maybe, if she does read faithfully, she'll be a good girl and not read this entry till she's received and opened her package. Ok, I'm taking the chance!

So, for her birthday I made this killer care pak. I bought her all kinds of neat stuff. I bought her a really nice Monet day planner/organizer, and a small matching Monet 16-month calendar, two liquid soaps from Bath & Body works (Cucumber Melon scent... it's what I soap is nourishing the other is moisturizing and has shea butter in it),[see, I gave into that stupid 4 for $14 sale!] Hazlenut lotion from Bath & Body works, a ziploc bag full of Halloween candy, a miniature "birthday book", some candles, mini-tins of Altoids, mini-containers of Nutella (have you ever tried this stuff??? O-mi-Goodness does it taste heavenly!),and a scented body mousse from Target. I think that's it. Oh, and I placed a shopping bag from Target on top of all the goodies because she doesn't have Target there in England. Neener, neener, neener!!! :-)

I really think she's gonna enjoy all the neat stuff I got for her. Of course, her care paks for me too are incredible. I'm looking forward to the next one I am getting. In the last one she sent, she made a from-scratch pumice for your hands/feet and it's so yummy! (the smell) And it works super-duper good, too. My hands feel like a baby's tushy when I'm done exfoliating with it.

Of course, I was a bit of a stinker.... I wrote on the outside of the box: "Happy Birthday OLD LADY"! Hee, hee! I'm forever teasing her about that cuz she's 9 years older than I am.

I love her as a big sister. She's been there for me through thick and thicker! Ha, ha! She's always been open, honest and gave me great advice. I didn't always listen to her cuz sometimes you [me] don't want to be wrong. :-) She really has enriched my life and made it more fulfilling.

Here's to Rosemarie!!!

By the way, her birthday is November 14th... the same day that Monet was born. She loves Monet. Eerie, huh?!?

Thought Of The Day:"A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often - just to save it from drying out completely."--Pam Brown

Thought Of The Day #2:"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."--Muhammad Ali

Until next time... peace, love & HEALTH!!!

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